The Plot To Overthrow America

Day 1,137, 11:59 Published in USA USA by SamWystan

Issue 27
"The Fieldist is unlike any other paper on eRepublik. I usually just look at the pictures, but with The Fieldist I actually read the content." ~code0011, Great American

Secret Plot To Overthrow The Government
Fallout over the PANAM Charter, which has been signed by Brazil and the USA continues. Opposition has come from members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who notably were led by Duke of Cornwall jankems. Secretary of State St Krems had pointed out when news of the controversy broke that Mr. jankems was reconciled to the treaty, but the whole affair was highly revealing of a gap between political and military figures.

(Is jankems Napoleon? No, he's not)

However, in the recent UIP debate, Premier Haliman, the leader of the United States Workers Party, revealed that members of the Joint Chiefs have contacted him, upset about the treaty. A few listeners were disturbed, but for the most part it was ignored. No newspaper has reported on the affair. The Fieldist, this tireless hound of American journalism, was discontent to put the matter to rest.

Now, The Fieldist has discovered via backroom channels and secret sources that Mr. Haliman and the Joint Chiefs are plotting to take control of the US government. American soldiers will be ordered to vote for Mr. Haliman for president. They will then seize the presidential positions of the parties in the next election, and then military members will be elected to Congress in that election. Confidants of Mr. Haliman have called the program "National Workerism".

The Fieldist directs all Americans to check our sources, interrogate military officers, and ask Congress to convene a special Congressional tribunal to look into the matter, because that will be effective.

s0beit Releases Major Innovation
Proposed Secretary of Technology s0beit has released a new update for the eUSA Development Center, a major technological force in the American world. Mr. s0beit's new updates allow for an increased ease of messaging and an unparalleled set of tools for the would-be American player. The innovations are an extraordinary tour-de-force of wiles, and go far beyond the ability of many lay people to comprehend. Mr. s0beit has quickly become America's magician.

(Mr. s0beit, seen here testing an advanced new software which would destroy lesser minds)

Americans will be quick to exploit this technology. Said one anonymous entrepreneur, "I swear to use this only for evil. It is truly the only way to use it." Luddites were frightened by the new developments. "Science... bad!" said an angry American, "fire... good! Burn science!" Sources close to s0beit have cast aspersions on the end result of such new technology. "Undoubtedly he plans to make us dependent on our machines," said a teenage programmer from his mother's basement, "once we are, he'll reprogram them to overthrow us and make him our Robot-King."

France In Turmoil Over Capitulation Agreement
President Koratos is under fire for agreeing to a capitulation agreement that would end the war with but cede numerous regions to Poland. The Chamber of Deputies has brought action to impeach the President, and impeachment forces are winning in an 18-15 yea vote at time of writing. Supporters of Mr. Koratos have argued that the president has shown political courage for taking such action.

(Protesters in France against Mr. Koratos' decision brave tear gas, because otherwise it will be Polish occupation)

French citizens are refusing to obey the orders of the President to give up the Champagne Ardennes region, and instead continue to soldier on. Major opposition has rallied to Rudyard Kipling's thoughts on the French: "their business is war, and they do their business well." At this time, however, the battle for Champagne Ardennes appears to be Poland's to lose, and the French face battle against Canada on their west coast as well. They do not seem to know how to implement Kipling's views.

Mr. Koratos' impeachment may throw American and British designs on an alliance of France to either country into limbo. In the meantime, the Defense Department have asked Americans to assist in Champagne Ardennes.

A Note On The New Year
Tomorrow will be no different from today, except for obvious changes. In this world, we do not mark our years from the first of months or the first of years. Rather, the dates that are important are the 5th, the 15th, and the 25th of the months. The only difference between today and tomorrow is that more people will miss them due to drinking and hangovers.

Have a happy night of debauchery and a day of praying to the porcelain god to forgive your sins tomorrow.

Note: Presidential candidate Inwegen has also stolen my headline from Issue 25 "Haliman Wants To 'Discover' Your Children!" View it yourself.


SamWystan: Editor-In-Chief
Quintessential: Staff Writer
HobbitTon: Contributing Writer
ProjectPsion: Contributing Writer
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