The Players' Suggestions to Save eRepublik: THE SEQUEL (Vote !)

Day 1,520, 10:50 Published in France France by Orango

Hello guys, it's been a while.

Remember me? I wrote the The Player's Suggestions to Save eRepublik article amongst many others. Anyway, I would like to thank you all for the HUGE support you showed for my previous article !

It was 160 days ago. It got over 3522 votes but almost 10000 votes wordlwide ! on my version of the article. Over 1000 people subscribed to my newspaper. The article got over 15 Reposts over the world. It got an International coverage staying in the international top 1 for many hours. Many people commented, many send me encouraging messages.

A quick overview of most reposts: FRANCE - USA - UK - New Zealand - Croatia - Montenegro - Slovenia - Russia - Romania - Austria - Bulgaria - Spain - Brazil - Poland

And guess what? Even the co-founder of eRepublik George Lemnaru read it and sai😛 "Thanks, we already read it. In line with what we're planning too." to Nikitooo.

What did I suggest exactly? Let's check out together !

= Changes that if they aren’t taken them into consideration, everyone will die and the admins will end up poor and unemployed on the streets. The mayan prophecy of 2012 will come true 😨

1)SAVING MEDIA MODULE :: Bring back the Old Top Articles Display
Due to the new display of the top voted articles on the home page, the media module is dying really fast, no one reads the articles anymore, that results in less votes, less media activity and thus less social interactions between the players. The category idea was nice though.
Let’s mix the categories with the old display !

2) SAVING POLITICAL MODULE :: Show all political parties in Rankings
The new Ranking is pretty but the idea to show only the 10 biggest parties (and the 5 biggest newspapers) is dooming the small ones to die because no one can see them anymore. And thus, no one joins them anymore.
Let’s show more than 10 political parties in the Rankings (and same for the Newspapers).

3) SAVING MILITARY MODULE :: Bring Back Walls, Overtime and real damage display
The idea to divide a war in 10 mini-battles is fine, but it makes the war module less captivating.
Every player that has known the V1 will remember the battles where you had to keep your damage till the very last moment, the times you had to wake up earlier to whiteness the end of an important battle, the breathtaking Overtimes where both armies were unleashed and were tanks just blew up the counter...
So bring the Wall back (wall points based on population, it is great for tactics by moving the population to defend a specific region), make it again 1 big battle and show real damages and not % or Country Points ! It is far more captivating.
BUT, the idea to give one BH each 1h30 is good, it doesn't require to be a World Class Force*** anymore to get BHs, so why not put make it a 24h battle but continue to give 1 BH each 1h30?

Click to enlarge picture !

= Changes that would satisfy all players, attract new players and bring the old ones back !

1) Limiting Health Packs
Health Packs? No problem. One guy defeating an entire army? Problem.
Let’s put a limitation to the use of Health Packs, why not max 50?

2) Bringing back the V1 Hospital System
Permanent hospitals with different quality levels that can be build by the government makes tactics possible again and will give the players a reason to defend a region more than another (if the region is conquered, the hospital is destroyed).

3) Implementing Ministries
Ministries have always existed and will always existed, players would love to see these roles ingame. Easier to find the current government (displayed on the country page), easier to get access to official newspapers (the minister gets automatically access to the official newspaper of his ministry), easier for governmental money management (each ministry would have an own official ministry, whom access is automatically given to the minister).
At least for the 3 major ministries:
- Ministry of Finances
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFa)
(+ Ministry of Youth?)

... It was 160 DAYS AGO, Plato. What the... have you been doing since then?

-OPEN SOURCE ARTICLE :: If you want the source code of this article, just ask through PM and be free to publish in your own country !
-SHOUT CALL :: Shout to make more players read and vote this article 😉
THE PLAYERS SUGGESTIONS TO SAVE EREP: The Sequel: Read, Vote and Shout ! Chain Shout !