The Platform of Candidate Rikugun Hare

Day 671, 20:07 Published in Japan Japan by Reiji Mitsurugi

We here at the Taishou (that is, me, Reiji Mitsurugi) encourage political discourse. It is with this in mind, we are today not publishing the words of Reiji Mitsurugi. But rather these words were written by long-time friend of the Taishou and colleague of Minister Mitsurugi in the Imperial Sun Party, Rikugun Hare. Since the good Mr. Rikugun Hare has no newspaper of his own in which to publish his platofrm, we here at the Taishou (that is, me, Reiji Mitsurugi) have offered to publish it for him. What follows is his words, not ours.

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Citizens of eJapan,

Despite my several months as a Congressman I have never written an article or issued a presentation to gain votes before. I am not - in essence - a public man. I do not thrive in the public gaze as notable men such as Mitsurugi-san do. Nor am I a master of organisation of the likes of Kita-san. Nor like the eJapanese politicians of old am I a respectable leader. And I am not a visionary figure like Dokomo or Alfagrem. I am a humble man, but in this election I am moved to write to all the people assembled in this nation. I do not write to gain your votes, (I am not telling you where I am standing) I am writing so that as all of you vote you may keep my humble opinions in your minds.

Here in this nation of three peoples, I sense much discouragement, much fear and above all a disheartening mix of discontent and apathy.

People of eJapan,
People of eSouth Korea,
People of eNorth Korea.

My appeal is to all of you and it is this:

Have hope!

We have not reached the end of the road by any means and we have not lost our power for our power was never in strength of arms or in reserves of gold, it is a power beyond all others a latent power of righteousness that stirs the people to greater and greater love and sacrifice for each other.

There may be no eNorth Korea, eSouth Korea may be usurped and uprooted, eJapan may be thrust into internal chaos and be friendless on the international stage,

but friendless we are not, for what better brotherhood but this brotherhood of three!

My first concern is that the eNorth Koreans amongst us should be made welcome. I have lived in eNorth Korea, does that make me in any way an unworthy man? No, that factor does not. When these noble men came to the shores of eJapan they were greeted by xenophobia and discrimination. The Congress of eJapan must apologise to the eNorth Korean people, and begin policies for integration. Not weak policies of positive discrimination, but policies that look forward to an independent eNK. We will achieve independence and recognition for eNK. Now let us plan for that. Let us not cast ugly glances at a strange people who run a party with a strange name, but let us get to know them. Let all good eJapanese extend the hand of brotherhood to our fellow man in distress. We learnt that in eGermany once, now let us give that same spirit to this brother.

My second concern is for eSouth Korea - the precious land of my ebirth now run over by marauders and hypocrites. We must re-inforce our military, strengthen our arms and be prepared for the glorious war that will some day come to return this land to it's rightful owners.

My third concern is for eJapan's sorry position in international affairs. We have been cheated out of our peace by an alliance that above ought to have upheld that 'peace'. That alliance is old and what is old and decaying will soon pass out of usefulness. We must look to regional concerns. We must advocate a closer relationship with eChina that together as neighbours we can guarantee the peace of this region into the future.

Friends we must not be discouraged. We must not look only at our problems and concentrate on the numbers. For we all know that by the dedication of a few evil men eSK was usurped, what more can the dedication of many good men do?

In the light of this I will throw all my weight behind three policies that are already discussed by you:

The Sempai - Kouhai Programme. This initiative is required that all eJapanese, eSouth Koreans and eNorth Koreans may know that they are brothers and live together as so. I will advocate an extension of this programme so that all citizens and resident citizens of eNK and eSK (honorary citizens) will be members of 6-10 member units forming a total network that keeps all citizens in touch with each other.

Righteous Nation Policies. It is my vehement belief that the people of these three nations are drawn together by not only geography but a desire for peace in the region. I will not condone any policy that injures the interests of our brothers, is in any way dishonourable, or is underhand. I will vote against any proposal to sell of territories to international mobsters or to make alliances with other international bullies. I will support foreign and domestic policies that treat the peoples of these nations with honesty and charity.

The Sol Alliance. I am certain that the future of this region lies in firm and loving relationships between independent and self-determining eJapan, eSouth Korea, eNorth Korea and eChina. I will pursue policies that bring this about with all due speed and caution. It is in this place and at this time that the citizens of eJapan will find themselves at the bargaining table of international politics, now let us hurry there before we are precipitated.

I also want to establish a new Cabinet Ministry especially charged with looking after the interests of the Governments of eJapan, eSouth Korea (legitimate, not theocrat), and eNorth Korea and their relations with eChina and between themselves. Currently there is no eNorth Korean Government, but I will open discussions with eNorth Koreans to move towards a plan for eventual independence, perhaps on the eSouth Korean model. I will pursue policies that put resources in the hands of the organisations charged with planning for eNK and eSK Government as it is my view that taxes paid to eJapan are as good as paid to our brother nations. I will try to arrange ways in which to peacefully or otherwise free the whole Korean peninsula from Subjection. I will embrace relationships with eChina to help bring about the independence of eNK and security of eSK.

Brothers there is much work to be done! Now let us throw away all that holds us back and the arguments that so easily entangle, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on our goal and press on towards it with all energy and haste.


We wish the candidate all the best!
-The Ashigaru Taishou Staff