The Peace of Desolation

Day 632, 12:02 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson

I am pleased to announce the creation of News, Inc., a newspaper that will allocate time to go over facts (without any slanting) of going-ons important to the United States of America and the world, and then a part for me to shamelessly throw my opinion on things out there. This issue, though, is about me. I am Myles Robinson, owner and founder of News, Inc. This is my story, and my thoughts on the war being raged around the world.

I was born on day 624 of the New World, in my home state of California, to see an Indonesian flag flying over Sacramento. Indonesian PEACEkeepers were marching down the streets of the home I loved so well, working with their allies to prepare for the complete conquest of North America, claiming it to be retribution for a war started by a defunct alliance led by the United States and meant to ensure the security of the rest of the world from the imperialistic, domineering ways of the Americans. The more I researched and the more I observed, the more I realized that this PEACE coalition was bent on one thing: the complete desolation of all who disagree with them and the rape of the resources of other peoples. In other words, complete domination of the planet through blatant, unapologetic imperialism.

It became clear to me that the intent of this grand alliance was to make a desolation of the world, and to call it peace.

Unwilling to live any longer under the yoke of such nefarious directions, I sought to escape into what remained of the free United States. Through the help of some Americans and of an Indonesian who, though proud of her country, was disheartened by the cruelty they showed the rest of the world, I managed to escape into Florida via Peru. Since I have settled into Florida, I have watched more states and entire nations fall one by one. I have lost two jobs as their headquarters were captured by the armies of PEACE, all the while these armies crying that what they are doing is for their own security in this so-called defensive alliance and they are acting for the betterment of the world through removing the Americans, the Canadians, the North Koreans, the Swiss, the Spanish, the Romanians, and others from existence. As I write this, state after state falls and America is back into a corner, enemies pouring in from any direction.

And I pose the question-- to what end? And for what reason? Why are we like this? War? I do not spare America from blame for turning the tide in this direction with their past actions towards nations like Mexico and France. Yes, many in the the United States thought it could dictate world affairs without consequence, without fear of its great homeland ever being threatened. The nations of PEACE, looking in contempt at the Americans and their allies and tired of dealing with the mischief caused by America and its allies, decided the best way to deal with the problem was to annihilate America and her allies.

But, be warned. For just as Scipio Africanus gazed at the burning ruins of Carthage and saw Rome among the flames, so too can your nations be seen in the flames engulfing Washington, D.C. It is the price you will need to pay for survival as the master of the world, which will eventually bankrupt you and, amidst the whining and resistances popping up around the world, will slowly sap the will of all to go on in this world you are crafting. It must be pleasant to wield this kind of power right now, to relish in the fact that your rivals are on their knees, drowning and trying to catch their last few breaths. You have become that which you have sought out to destroy, and are thus sealing your own fate. Roman virtue fell when they wiped out Carthage.

And, I ask again, why? Does this need to go on any longer? Yes, you have taught America its lesson and proved that arrogance has consequences. But you have shifted from teaching America a lesson to trying to take over the world. Do we need this? The lesson has been taught. Let us move past this and work on rebuilding our world society. PEACE offers vanquished and crumbling nations faux truces, waving around existences for them that would render them completely subservient to PEACE as the nations of that alliance wield the world's resources. These are unacceptable. Restore all that has been lost, earn the goodwill or the world rather than the contempt brewing from what remains among those free from your standards. Show compassion.

For the peace of desolation is never a pleasant one, and never a permanent one.

Anyways, these are just my thoughts... I'll get off my soap box now and return to watching the world become a much less-enjoyable place.