The Opinion of Andrew McWilliams, President of eRomania

Day 677, 11:21 Published in Romania France by lokidor



1) What nation is your worst enemy in the eWorld ?
2) Which nation is your most faithful ally ?
3) Do you think that the polarization of the international relations between PEACE and EDEN/FORTIS is a good thing for eRepublik?
4) Would alliances only between country geographically close within these two big blocks be more desirable ?
5) What do you think about the eFrench intervention in the eUnited States and which are your relations with eFrance after this episode?
6) Do you think that countries others than the eUnited States, eRussia, eHungary and eIndonesia can survive except alliances with one of these four big powers ?
7) What will be the next objective of your diplomacy ?

The President of eRomania answers tonight :

1. As an user, I don't believe I have a worst enemy in eRepublik - they're all the same to me 😛 But from Romania's point, as a nation, it would be Hungary by a long shot. It started off as an IRL feud, but has come to be on in-game as well. I'm not sure which counts higher, but... the feud is there.

2. That's not exactly the best of questions - I believe all allies are faithful to Romania, as is Romania to all her allies. However, I do feel Romania has a very good bond with Croatia.

3. It would be mighty boring otherwise. Like it or not, every nation has to have a nemesis in order to keep users in this game proactive. If it's not PEACE GC vs EDEN/Fortis, it would be something else. Not everything is black and white, but then again, you cannot go around pleasing everyone.

4. Not really. Having allies is one, good thing, but surrounding yourself only with allies... not so much. You must always leave room for the future - a war is fought on many battlefields, and war is at the heart of a nation's well-being.

5. I find it pointless and somewhat demeaning. France should have known better than one such attack can only delay US actions against Russia and whatever victory is to be had there, will be short lived. I'm trying to understand the military necessity of such an action on behalf of France's allies, but this actions will surely have effects on diplomatic relations.

6. It is my belief that countries can survive without alliances - warfare is waged on realistic, in-game advantages. Sure, it is always fun to brag about how... the French "avenged" Napoleon the IIIrd's defeat at the hands of Bismark; even though in-game that doesn't give you much advantage. But if they have a strategical position or if they have resources important/vital to one side, then it is better if you can rely on other countries to help you if you are attacked. One thing leads to another and that's how chains of alliances are born (similar to Entente and the Central Powers). Since war is the only thing there is to do around here, if you either have resources (High Iron, for instance) or geographic position (common point between two countries at war) or if you have some quarrel with a neighbouring country IRL (see Romania and Hungary), then you'd better be prepared to look for allies.

7. The base of all of Romania's diplomatic efforts is to have good understanding with as many countries as possible. The power balance will always shift between countries and alliances, so it is very important to have a head's up with most countries if ever the status quo is about to change. For instance, while France is presently a member of PEACE GC, we keep in mind that, since nothing actually binds France to Hungarian or Indonesian interests, in the future there may be room for a friendly collaboration. Whether that will manifest into military cooperation, economic trade, friendly chit-chatter, only time will tell. So it's better to keep all options open and, even better, have a pole-position in such situations.