The Only Multi-Dimensional Monastery Military Unit

Day 3,046, 03:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

or MMMU but since we are multi-national as well we can claim that the clerics group is the only multi-national multi-dimensional monastery military unit or MMMMU.

High in the mountains our monastery lie. And people can I tell you today its a great place.

Clerics was envisioned by our great leader Viktor Kurgan. During our time in eIreland we discovered strange creatures in our midst we called the orcs. After several articles and tireless campaigning we vanquished the orcs. But found that orcism is a sickness that can spread quickly between our ranks. The Ilp recently had a massive outbreak so bad that I had to leave the cabinet.

It was me that coined the term the Silence but it was Viktor Kurgan that finally saw the fuller picture.

The silence will return to eIreland. It will be a time for inner thought and silent contemplation of the more serious issues in Ireland.

Welcome to the silence my friends.

Because orcism is mostly transferred by spit hopefully we will contain it in the ILP and Nogin the Nog as she recently orc-estrated a lot of signs to show that she was feeling very orcish every day. We found a cure for Nogin though she confided that when she watch her favorite soap "Potatoes Pubs and people called padraig" she felt less orcish and more brainwashed by unending story lines and predictable twists.

We will put her in dungeon and pump a continuous soap feed there. After completion of mexican soaps which has more plot twists than Flaco's dog have ticks. We will reward the new Nogin with following book

Oh and I have plenty of 2 gold coins to entertain you my friends.