The Only Chance You'll Get to Crucify or Exonerate MrConway

Day 2,054, 21:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by Arjay Phoenician III

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I’m not one to let issues fester. Let’s just cut to the chase, because letting the bickering simmer is going to turn into an explosion at some point.

Half this country believes MrConway is a thief and a traitor. Let’s examine this, have a good heated exchange, and then let it go. I’m sorry I have to be the one to do this, but apparently no one else is going to do it. A real leader would step up, address the issue, let everyone get it out of their systems, and then move on. Apparently the real leaders would rather this go on and on and whine a little behind closed doors, hoping it will go away on its own.

Hence, a freshman Congressman will do what the wannabe leaders won’t.

Do I think Conway’s a thief? Whatever happened, it happened before my time. I’ve heard the accusation, but no one tells me details. I’ve seen some images of massive treasury transfers proposed to the Dáil, but no context to go with it. This is a good time for his accusers to step up, speak their mind, get it on the record, educate the rest of us, and then let it die. Conway is a citizen, he is buddies with people in power, and you’re going to have to deal with it, even if you believe he’s capable of national theft. Speak now, or forever hold your peace on this.

Do I think he’s a traitor? I checked out his BH record. He’s won several fighting on behalf of Ireland against the UK, none the other way around. I don’t see any evidence of him fighting directly against Ireland. So no, I don’t think he is, but I certainly can understand why people would get bent out of shape when, at the dawn of the UK’s most recent invasion of Ireland, he grabs British citizenship, then, just as we’re getting a few regions back, he asks for his Irish citizenship to be reinstated. Looks pretty damning if you ask me. If that’s all I looked at, I’d be suspicious of him as well. By all means, though, this would be the time for you to present evidence to show Conway as a conspirator to destroy this country. You’re not going to get another opportunity, so use it while you have it.

I don’t like Conway because I think he’s a putz, but that’s my own cross to bear. Despite what others have said behind closed doors, I have every right to like and dislike who I wish. That’s a good thing about being an individualist, I don’t answer to anyone, so I can speak my mind and let the chips fall where they may. I don’t have a political career that is so important to me that I have to shut my mouth to protect it. Leaders don’t worry about their careers. They do what’s important, and they deal with the consequences of their actions like adults.

So this is your one chance to crucify Conway or to exonerate him.

When this article comes off the newsfeed, the matter is closed. Period. End of story. You will all have had a chance to get your say on the public record, no matter how heinous it may be. After that, I don’t care if you’re Conway’s friend or enemy, I’ll consider any argument moot.

And who the hell am I to write this article? I’m someone who can’t stand the under-the-breath accusations, the spindoctoring, and the unwillingness of anyone to get it all out in the open so it can be dealt with and then set aside. I was told I didn’t want to get involved with this crap, and they were right, I don’t want to be part of this childish garbage. This community should be better than this. If it is, you’ll all make the most of this, get it all off your chests, and then let it go, because there will be nothing left to say.

The sniping ends here. Anything thereafter will be blown off. You have a chance to get it all off your chest right here. Take it. You won’t be taken seriously if you continue after this. I don’t care if you’re a noobie or the president. Let’s get this dumb stuff out in the open and then off the table.

The clock is ticking.

Belfast Lough Times: Issue #30