The Number 12

Day 1,245, 10:16 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry
Hey there Canada.

This has become a curious number for me lately. When I returned unexpectedly early on Thursday, it marked the number of hours left to place candidacies for our monthly elections. Most fittingly, it was also the number of votes which frank139 and I both received from the schmexy members of EPIC.

Experience, of course, is something I am notorious for lacking, so all the power to dear Frank for succeeding in this his first campaign toward the Party Presidency. Frank and I have been playing this game for a near-exact amount of time - a mere 42 days separate us. He has served in congress several times, and is a very reliable person to have around. Certainly his election will be an asset to the French Canadian players, and nobody can complain about yet another New Brunswickian taking the reins.

The Number 12, however, has another important meaning to my home party. Last month EPIC managed to elect 12 candidates to Congress. They, like so many before them, have had the marvellous opportunity to get involved in this game as we sit on the cusp of yet another major military engagement.

It is my strong hope that this month, indeed this week, the EPIC candidates will once again win the support of Canadians so that more of these lovely fellows can serve eCanada and gain experience for themselves at the same time.

I am thrilled to be back in Canada, and I certainly look forward to working with all of you much more closely in the coming days.

Surgite, my friends, and I'll see you on the 25th.

As always;