The November Congress Election Review (Party by Party)

Day 737, 01:16 Published in Australia Croatia by CrowdedHouse

Good evening.

No doubt soon you'll get H.Nelson's usual look at the election just gone. It's always a great read and you have to love the charts.

My review is looking at numbers and talking about election tactics from an outsider's view.
(note: The data is from this site and does not take into account the fact that some parties ran their members under another party's banner - example Dean Kong of the ACP running as an Independent)

* 13 Seats - (Up from 6 Last Election) Holding 32.5% of Parliament
* 170 Votes - (Up from 101Last Election) Total of Party Members = 189

The ANP has come firing back in this election race.

After the humiliation of the October Election where they held just 6 seats, and even sure a banned player technically elected, a concerted campaign was launched within the ANP to make sure a repeat of this event does not happen again.

Reports also indicate that a number of ANP members were in Thailand at the last vote.

Either way full credit must go to the Party President Sir_c0nstant, ANP Media Relations Manager Corey Blake, Binda33 head of the election planning team and everyone else involved. To get an outstanding amount of votes out of their membership, plus to ensure they pinched a seat in South Australia right on the death knell shows some great communication and planning.

One may also argue that is times of War (or possible War) that people tend to vote conservative (to the right) - this result might also be an effect of that.

* 10 Seats - (Up from 8 Last Election) Holding 25% of Parliament
* 159 Votes - (Up from 71 Last Election) Total of Party Members = 233

Once again another strong showing from the new kid on the block... the PaPP.

The PaPP not only gained the highest membership increase during the last 4 weeks, but also the highest vote gain this election - getting an extra 88 votes.

However there is one problem that should concern the PaPP. Despite getting those 88 votes, they have only been able to convert it into an extra 2 seats.

Xerrnity pulled 56 votes in NSW. If another 11 and 6 votes from that candidate went to the other PaPP candidates in NSW - that would have made 3 safe in Total. Instead 62 votes were cast in NSW for just one senator - was there a communication problem here?

In fact, other 4 votes sent to other places, could have got another 2 PaPP senators on top of that.

The PaPP gets 10 senators, but really should have had 14.

* 8 Seats - (Up from 7 Last Election) Holding 20% of Parliament
* 142 Votes - (Up from 114 Last Election) Total of Party Members = 151

The Independents are always hard to read as they do not operate as a traditional party.

However they can be glad they picked up an extra 28 votes, 1 more seat and 142 votes from 151 members is a great conversion rate.

There was very little wasted state by state, except in Queensland where H.Nelson pulled 36 votes.
There was 2 other independents running there, but the problem is we don't know if their platform was similar or different to H.Nelson, so it's impossible to say whether votes should have been sent their way.

One thing we do notice from election to election is that the Independents always roughly hold 20-25% of the Senate.

Alarm bells are ringing in Tasmania though where Okanius was elected. Last time he took the 5 gold, proposed 2 illegal bills and fled the country on the same day. We wonder why the 4 people who voted for him, did so.

* 7 Seats - (Down from 13 Last Election) Holding 17.5% of Parliament
* 111 Votes - (Down from 142 Last Election) Total of Party Members = 256

The Yo-Yo of politics continues. When the right is up, the left is down and vice-versa.

This election was particularly brutal on the ADSP, where a loss of just 31 votes saw a loss of 6 seats total.

The ADSP voting squad ended up looking like about 17 voters... or 10% of their total vote and they were active in the last hour.

They managed to secure one or two senators in the last hour, but also saw 2 votes wasted to 00Quick00 - those votes might have helped in another one or two states.

According to the data if the ADSP had held 9 or 10 seats, it wouldn't have been that bad, but 7 seats is not a good result and no doubt ADSP leadership will be going over the results like with a fine tooth comb to figure out what needs to be fixed for the December.

A theory as well of what might have cost a few votes is the ADSP logo. The new "Rebel Alliance" logo has been promoted within the membership, but as since the logo is new, the question is, did this confuse the "2-Clickers" of the game?

ADSP is the Maccas of eAustralia - everyone knows the brand, and like McDonalds everyone knowns the logo... well the old ADSP logo anyway. Could it be a percent of "Irregular Players" that couldn't find the well known ADSP logo sent their votes elsewhere?

* 2 Seats - (Down from 6 Last Election) Holding 5% of Parliament
* 48 Votes - (Down from 71 Last Election) Total of Party Members = 80

It's safe to say the ADSP didn't have the worst election campaign. That honour sadly goes to my old party the TBP.

For at least 2-3 weeks after the October Congress, The TBP's most active players simple just were not online, left or didn't post in the forums. New PP Santic attempted to breath life into the Party with Mark Sanchez as Campaign Manager.

This TBP candidate list they had to watch over had about two well known names and the rest new (or quiet) party members.

Unlike the last campaign, there was a lack of publicity in the newspapers for the TBP and strategy seemed to fall in a hole - especially with 3 candidates running in Western Australia and Zero running in South Australia.

Now with Corny-Ratbag finishing up some RL commitments, the question is, will he return to breath life into the party, or will the likes of the ERA build up membership and knock the TBP out of the Top 5?

These next 4 weeks will be crucial in the future of the True Blue Party.

Final word and thank yous...

I would like this chance to say thank you to Paul Hamon and the PaPP. Though I am not a regular member, I am an employee of one of Paul's companies and he allowed me to run in Victoria under the PaPP banner - as I'm an ERA member, which our party is not in the top 5.

I would link to thank the great people who made the link at the top of this page - that was a great little statistics site and gave a great up to date views on the elections.

Finally, I would like to thank the voters of Victoria. Once again you have backed me to represent you in Parliament and I am humble for that honour.

Re-Elected Senator for Victoria