The Northern Cleansing War/ Het Noordse Reinigen Oorlog.

Day 2,359, 06:11 Published in Netherlands Poland by GEN. DE LA REY

Our War correspondent Pieter Banggat reports from the front.

With only a few cases diagnosed in newborns, it was the belief that Vanspytitus had been almost eliminated from the Netherlands, so our congressmen gave instruction to our brave warriors to march north to cleanse the land of our brothers as well.

Although our MOD devised a sound plan for the elimination of Vanspytitus.

Initial great success in the execution of the plan, was followed by our soldiers getting bogged down.

There was a grave under estimation of the spread of the virus in the Northern lands, and further infected came to meet our soldiers on the battle field from lands in the North East.

Our soldiers were overwhelmed and forced to retreat, and even abandon the capital.

A dark shadow hung over our small nation and things looked bleak as the enemy used despicable tactics.

Mass produced Serbian clones arrived.

They destroyed our bikes.

And stole our cheese.

Split between loyalty to his country and loyalty to his second wife, our king abandoned us and fled to his winter retreat.

Then at our time of need Vanspytitus struck again. First our ex- honorable minister of Health Xibbard was seen acting strangely at the food handout point.

Within hours it was too late to save him from the Vanspytitus.

Before days end one of our brave fighter’s the Military of San Marino also got infected. Doctors are still trying to get him back, but the virus is resilient.

While all looked lost our gallant leader worked tirelessly on a plan to make a last stand against the horde.

Mdr’s grandmother was rallied to the cause.

The Pretorian Guard, Dutch Armed Forces and other Mu’s shared intel and resources.

No Tie spoke to his contact in the UK, to give directions of how to get to the Netherlands to their armed forces.

The Americans arrived with their special equipment.

They quite prematurely started taking down some of the infected.

Then our light infantry which was thought to have been captured returned to the front.

And then when the Chilean infantry.

And special forces arrived.

Within Hours the Dutch together with their allies rallied, broke the line and were able to drive the vermin from their land. Our troops are currently trying to complete the cleansing process in the Northern lands.

Although our lands have been won back, be careful don’t lose your head.

Be careful , Vanspytitus is so power full it can make you lose your head and fight against your own country. It is still lingering around us so look after yourself. If you feel strange please contact a government representative immediately for assistance.