The NHS. Information, expenses & possible ideas to be implemented.

Day 1,725, 13:31 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Sukraa

I joined on April the 12th, 2012. Now I haven't been extremely active throughout. My activity has come in bursts here and there. But as of late I have been active on a daily basis and eRep is beginning to get rather addictive. Anyway, I signed up with a really good friend of mine called Reservedd. He joined Liberty, so I followed suit. I'm glad that I did seeing as I’ve met and made friends with a whole host of Libertarians. They really are great people. Sadly Reservedd quit, but I'm still plodding along!

Now down to business. I am self sufficient and have been throughout most of my eRep life. I did sign up on the forums to some new player helping scheme of which I am very grateful for. (I can't remember the name of the scheme). But that stopped a long time ago. Now I admit I do get Q6 weapons from Max for every rank that I go up, like every other Liberty member but other than that I am self sufficient and have been since about level 10 I believe - as I'm sure many of you have been.

The NHS MU is a division of the British Government Army. Currently each member gets given 500 health and 5 Q6 weapons on a daily basis as long as their under level 25. The NHS have approximately 129 members under level 25 (Ish) With about 60% of those being fighters. And 50 - 60 getting supplied with equipment on a daily basis.

Money spent on weapons per day
Apologies if my workings out are wrong, my math is absolutely shocking!

First of all, there are approximately 55 (Midpoint between 50&60) members that get supplied with 5 Q6 weapons on a daily basis:

5 x 55 = 275 Q6 Weapons per day.

1x Q5 weapon = 18.89 GBP (Cheapest at the moment).

Weapons given per day in total x by the price of each weapon.

275 x 18.89 = 5194 GBP.

Money spent of food per day

(Approx) 55 active members get supplied with 500 food per day.

55 x 500 = 27,500 food given daily.

1x Q1 food = 0.25 GBP (Cheapest at the moment).

The total amount of food given daily x the price for one Q1 food.

27,500 x 0.25 = 6,875 GBP.

Total spendings per day to fund the NHS.

5194 x 6,875 = 12,069 GBP per day.

(The approximate number of active members that get supplied with both weapons and food provided by Blue and Evil).

The eUk's daily income.
In a recent article by our Prime Minister BigAnt. We were granted an insight into how much money the eUk is making on a daily basis from taxes and what not. The daily income at the moment is said to vary from 26k to 27k. Obviously this is only over a period of two days. Therefore it isn't an accurate source of data BUT it's all that we have to go by at the moment.

So let's just say for sake of argument that the daily income of the eUK is 30,000 GBP. With roughly 12,069 GBP going towards supplying the NHS with weapons and food. That's 42% (I believe) of our income going towards the NHS.

Should the NHS be scrapped?
Iv'e seen various people wanting the NHS to be scrapped completely. I do not agree with this point of view. The NHS is an asset to the UK there's no doubt about it. They may not be the strongest but they do a lot of damage and keep a lot of new players interested in the game. Therefore scrapping is not the right option in my opinion.

Should all supplies be stopped?
Yet again I do not think that this is a good idea. The reason for this is that there are a whole lot of really young players in the NHS that cannot be self sufficient as of yet. They need that help to get them through and to put them on the right path. Once they've had guidance and help money wise they will then be able to provide for themselves and help the eUk to the best of their abilities. Without any form of guidance both verbally and in the form of weapons they'll more than likely get bored and quit.

My personal opinion on what should be done.
So here is my personal opinion on what needs to be done. At the moment we cannot afford to be spending that much money on any one unit. It's just not possible. Therefore this is my proposition:

The current level range in which you remain able to receive these perks is 1–25. In my honest opinion this is way too broad. We need to narrow down this level range. By level 25 you should be well acquainted with eRepublik and you should be able to provide for yourself. If not then your doing something wrong.

So I think that the level range should be reduced too 1-15 (Doesn't have to be 1-15 as long as it's reduced really). This would cut down the amount of players that have to be handed supplies and it will make them search for a way to be self sufficient instead of leeching off others.

Another idea of mine is to slowly lower the amount that gets given per x amounts of levels that a player goes up. So you reduce the amount of food and/or weapons by certain increments as they gets stronger and more knowledgeable.

If you have 100 people who have spent their first 50 days getting everything for free with no need to provide for themselves, what in the world will they do when their supplies stop at level 25? They'll more than likely get pissed off and quit. Whereas if you slowly reduce the amount given they'll see that their losing out on items and think “Damn, I need to start finding a means to get stuff on my own before it runs out completely” then by the time they've reached the level that ensures the end of their supplies.. hopefully they will have found a way in which to successfully bring in some monaayz.

So there you go. That's my view on this whole subject. Sorry it's a massive article.. bigger than Venus William's ass & probably boring. Oh and if I've gone and fucked up my calculations, sorry. But you get the gist of it.

Numbers edited. It's now more accurate. Enjoy!