The New World

Day 1,050, 19:26 Published in USA Switzerland by Rocky841

Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to this edition of What's Up eUSA. In today's edition we will cover the recent happenings here in eUSA to the world. So lets get down to our top story.

Holy Sh** We Did IT!
Coming in to our latest story eUSA was able to achieve its nation goals. On day 1,049 our government was able to keep our current territories and increase our gold by 7%. And the trophy for was this fabulous Arc!

We thank St. Krems and our Congress man and women. Due to last minute news I was unable to get the public's opinion, but I am sure we all are happy about this.

Portugal Rookie or Pro?

As some of you may know we recently invaded Portugal and the battle that took place was surprised. At the start of the war eUS military faced some opposition with minor loses, but major wins. Unexpectedly by the end of the war opposition had decreased and to find an opponent took a while. When I joined the battle around 7 P.M. Pacific Time and I took out my opponents in one or two shots.
Public Opinion

I reached out to the public and asked them a question:
What do you think about the recent war with Portugal?
• Sweet bags-Battles>no battles
• Rheinlander von Phalz-I approve of getting revenge on Portugal for attempting to bring admin intervention into a treaty signed between the United States in Portugal. The Portuguese alleged that the United States was in breach of the treaty (back when admin-enforceable contracts still existed) for being one day late on a payment, and the penalty was something like 5,000 gold.
• Finch O'Hitou-They get what they wanted.
• St. Krems-It is a good training war and nothing more.
• Aleksander I Milenkovic-nice training war nothing more.
• EvanTheAwesome-I'm cool with the war with Portugal, no one cares to save them, and we get battles, and get to say we conquered Portugal for whatever thats worth.
• PieGuy-I hope there will be no more Portugal when we're done.
• Glove-It's about time we shaved their mustaches.
• Pizza The Hut-We will spare them so they can continue to cook delicious food, but that is all.
Great opinions and I share the thought with many about it you know. So lets see what happens next on that end.


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New or Old Military and Economic Module?

Military Module
Speaking of the military, erepublik went under a bit of maintenance in which what is believed to be the V3 modules to be released. But the little question in which I want you to think about is this: What is the difference from V1 to V3?

I wish that sign was true, but unfortunately is lying, there is no difference except for the fact that the new military module is the same as V1. That's right ladies and gentleman we are back to a wall module the only difference is that there is better graphics and we can see who we are attacking. But what's the problem some people like the wall form?

Admins got lazy on us plain and simple. Along with that people cna level up in erepublik rank much faster, compared to the V1 & V2 modules. Although this is just my opinion. Lets see what the public has to say about this.
Public Opinion

Question:What's your opinion on the new military module?
Sweet bags
Its alright. The new MPP rules are stupid. I like that I don't need to spend 2 hours a night fighting.
Finch O'Hitou
kind of boring, just like v1 but with extra hassle of weapon management and feels expensive, 8+ battle hero chances is good I guess for those who can afford to fight for that, wonder how the alliance stuff will go down.
St. Krems
It is a clever fix. Admin has realized that while the more active players enjoy an in depth war module, the casual players, who this game need to survive, do not.
Aleksandar I Milenkovic
I hate this new thing they called military module...
George Armstrong Custer
Military Module: they went from one extreme to the other. the V1 wall was boring, the V2 battlefield was complicated and slow, now the V1.5 is pretty much the boring wall again. they could have tried adjusting the V2 battlefield some before abandoning it. lazy on their part.
I like the new military mod, its basically the wall again, little more flashy, but i loved the wall.
I think it's fine.
It resembles V1 a lot, it makes fighting a lot less time consuming but it reminds me of the wall too much; when you fight you don't even fight against a player..its just random.
Pizza The Hut
It is a disappointment, sort of like a retarded version of Panzer General, so no, I do not like it.
Very strong opinions, looks like we are split on this, but you know that we can agree on a decision, but there will always be that one unhappy person. If you would like to post your thought on this feel free to do so in the comment section below!
Broke, Broker, Brokest!

Along to hit the new V3 modules is the economy. That is right just another way to go broke here in erepublik. Let me give you a brief history, in V1 people worked for a salary that was based on our economic skill in the area that we worked in. And for the most part people were paid a fair amount and life was good. When V2 came poverty did too. People were forced to work by the hour getting paid a slaves wage!

We worked a maximum of 12 hours out of our 24 hours. and the pay in some parts fell as low as $.10 an hour than from your total subtract the. So the Admins tried fixing this by doing the lazy thing and bringing us back to the V1 module, except poverty still counties. So lets see what the public had to say about this little ordeal.
Public Opinion yet again!
Sweet bags
I miss time management, and think giving us 8 hours work of work and training is a rip off. It should be 12 each. I like that products are more differentiated than in V1. Restore Time management.
Finch O'Hitou
Kinda shitty how they treated high skill workers, now there is hardly a difference between skill level, despite working years every day vs playing the game 2 months.
St. Krems
Needs work, especially the MM. MM offers need to revert to being shown by age. The lack of MM sales is killing country income.
Econ mod is better, more money into the economy then V2. I'm not a business guy, so I'm no9t very involved in the econ so i cant pass judgement on what needs changing, although clearly something does because after playing for almost 2 years i shouldn't be making 5 bucks....
Weapons to expensive
No.Cheaper guns
It is V1 all over again with minor tweaks. I liked the idea of 24 hrs/day and the way we could arrange our time management as we saw fit...the economy module is meh overall.
Pizza The Hut
The economic module should go back to what it used to be, right now they basically reverted to beta because people were complaining so essentially it was all one big waste of time and money. They need to improve the market system and make it more similar to how real life economics function.

Great opinions everyone different sides to everything man now if you have an opinion on something please feel free to put it in the comment section below. That's all for today have a wonderful day! Remember to vote and sub!