The new US Peacetime Medic Program

Day 186, 08:00 Published in USA USA by Pearlswine

Over the next couple of weeks I will begin implementing the new US medic program. This will not be an opt-in program like the old one, but qualified employees will be automatically gifted.

To do this, over the next couple of weeks I will attempt to develop a script to get every US resident's Skill, Industry, Quality that of the industry they're working for, Weekly attendance, and Wellness. (if anyone would be so kind to provide a script that already can do that or with a little modification can do that, I would greatly appreciate it). I will then develop a ranking system using each of the aforementioned variables. From there it is just buying the lowest costing gifts (on a per wellness point basis) and sticking to a weekly budget and over the course of a week gift the previous week's employees most in need of wellness.

Once the gifting begins I will create an article naming who has been gifted, how much was spent on gifts that week and when / what price gifts were bought at.

Head of the US Peacetime Medic program