The New Training Corps Newspaper

Day 1,305, 06:42 Published in USA USA by Morrigan Alexandros

Training Corps Tribune moves to Training Corps Herald

Admin has finally killed all Org-based newspapers and we are unable to transfer them. Thus, the eUS Training Corps will house the Official Newspaper, now named Training Corps Herald in the General's main account. Which, for the time being, is me. 😃

Make sure you subscribe so you are up to date with all the TC events and helpful articles.

TC presents Media Warriors

The eUSTC is now showcasing its featured writers in an easy to navigate banner. Each avatar will direct you to that person's newspaper. Thanks to Captain Baker for sacrificing a lot of time making this banner at my request (rea😛 mandate with threats of extreme pain if he did not comply). Check out these newspaper and subscribe!

Check out Zachary Parsons' interview with General Morrigan Alexandros. Yep, that one is Parson's Newspaper.

TC Recruitment

The eUS TC is nearing a pretty significant milestone. Stay tuned!

TC is the finest, most excellent, super awesome training program out there. Join TC and join the excellence.

The USTC is currently accepting applications from both new and old players alike. Sign-up today!
Check out our USTC Military Unit.