The New Galaxy [Chapter 1: Rise, WAR GC! (Part II)]

Day 717, 18:51 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Guolin
This continuing story should give you a taste of what eRepublik could be like if it lasts 2 or 3 thousand years in the future, when nations cover solar systems, eRepublik adapts to the new technology, and greatest of all- players are inserted directly into the game, entering a virtual environment. Although this story has an independent plot, some eRepublik events may influence plot. You'll see what I mean.

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Rise WAR GC!
Part I
Part II
bzzzzzZZZZPPPP!! With a sudden jolt, I woke up. "Volume level alkanoid- what is the time?" I whispered.

A soft feminine voice whispered back, "1 unit after Vilyg, master." Great, it should be pitch-black outside. No one will notice. My Electralarm worked perfectly.

"Activate eRep virtual environment Code nelyphor Username Thelmaxx1780 Passcode mhilyiscute." abrupt lurch, and I was propelled forward straight out of my chambers. As I was hovering slowly through our hall, the world turned indigo. Then came yet another lurch, and a final sucking sound announced my entrance to the New Galaxy.

I whipped around multiple blue virtual hallways, passing a man who was doing some mind-blowing eTraining. Man, those eMuscles were huge! Ah, here I go- Battle of Galyhswadia, between countries Inklesian Empire and United Systems of Nevoca. Once again, I lurched forward and arrived at a humongous battlefield in eGalyhswadia. My pack trembled and the items inside shook as a Noblean Bomb detonated and sent shards of tanks flying everywhere.

As I walked around the sandy eDesert, a military officer called to me. "Hey there- you- in the blue. What branch are you serving in?"

"N-none, s-sir."

"Ah, explains the lack of uniform. You seem like a weak one. I can't believe, as they said in the old days, a two-clicker woke up at Vilyg just to fight in eGalyhswadia. That has NEVER happened."

"With all d-due respect, sir, I'm n-not a two-clicker. I followed DoD-"

"Ah, yes, this battle's too important to lose. Thanks for coming. I expect you have your 5 Q1 tele-taser batteries like orders asked?" With that, the officer pulled out his Q5 tele-taser, inserted a battery in, and shot a blast of crackling electricity over a sand dune. Two screams were heard afterward, and the US soldiers started marching over the dune.

"Y-yes, they're in my pack. I was hoping to get my last 5 sho-" Two Noblean missiles boomed a meter over my head. "-as I was saying, I was hoping to get my last 5 shots in before the end of the battle."

"Oh, yes yes, it's ending in 110 units. We're pushing the Inklesians out, but-" An explosion sprouted out of the advancing soldiers, sending them WAY over my head. "-as you can see, they're doing hard to push us back to Tlan Neuvidio. RETREAT!!!"

"Well said, officer!" I shouted over the lasers being sent back and forth the two sides. I pulled out my tele-taser and attempted to fire at the incoming battleships, but they were no visible signs of damage. Heart pounding, I managed to roll into a towering desert plant before 5 pulse lasers narrowly missed me. The last thing I heard was the officer's Q3 laser rifle shooting before I managed to warp out of this mess into the real world, safe in my bed.

WAR GC is becoming unstoppable. There, I said it.