The New Brazil

Day 554, 17:45 Published in Brazil Brazil by Bunaly
The New Brazil

We had a dream of an economic oasis for the New World. We have worked hard to make our country on of the most prominent places in the new world. Now with high resources in all the raw materials present in the new world you can find in our country the edge you need to have high margins of profit.

Our population expansion program is guaranteeing a gradual increase of our population of 500 users per month this expansion rate will be maintained for the next 7 months.

Today we pay the best salaries in the new world, but still our companies have one of the lowest costs in the world. This is possible by the advanced tax system implemented by our congress that allows company managers to increase margins in raw material acquisitions and reduce employee profit margins without sacrificing the strong raw material industry in the country.

Brazil has a strong domestic market but still due to the abundance of high skilled workers and the good administration we are one of the biggest exporters in the new world. Our goods reach over 20 markets with highly competitive prices. This allows great profit margins outside the country.

We are one of the most stable countries in the world with no military or political problems. All enterprises in Brazil have full support of the military to maintain order and guarantee the security of their investments. Also our advanced economic system allows for you to buy securities from the countries treasury that act as insurance policies for your investment.

While all other countries were fighting to defend a world free of tyranny and oppression we were working on the supremacy of our economy. We have the please to present to all of you the Great Brazilian Empire.

We thank all of our friends, since this was only possible because of you.

Thank you all,

Please feel free to look up our country data an amaze yourself with our economic might. (Use these tools to help you find data)

Recommended high recourses region:

IRON: Northeast Region
OIL: Northeast Region
GRAIN: Southeast Region
WOO😨 Center-West Region

Investment Security Contractor

Bangko ng Pilipinas

Company Trade Manager


If you don’t have enough money, but have the expertise to make profit you can always rent a company in Brazil. This ORG also provides a service to guarantee the liquidity of your investments we have an advanced trade market for companies where the Tupi Group with the government finance backbone is able to buy any company at its normal market price and maintain it operational guaranteeing a steady income for the government and freeing the investor to use he capital any where.

If you have any questions you can always contact one of our government officials.

Versão em Português:

O Novo Brasil

Tínhamos o sonho de um oásis econômico no novo mundo. Trabalhamos arduamente para fazer do nosso país o lugar mais promissor do novo mundo. Agora com grandes reservas em todas as matérias primas presentes do jogo você pode encontrar no nosso país o que você precisa para ter altas margens margem de lucro

Nossa população vai continuar expandindo gradualmente em 500 usuários todo mês durante aproximadamente 7 meses.

Pagamos o melhor salário no novo mundo e as nossas empresas ainda tem um dos menores custos no mundo. Isso é graças ou nossa avançada política tributária implementada pelo congresso que possibilita aos administradores de empresas que aumentem suas margens sobre as matérias primas e reduzam suas margens sobre os salários sem prejudicar as empresas de matéria prima.

Temos um mercado doméstico forte e com abundancia de trabalhadores altamente especializados e boa administração possibilita que o país seja um dos maiores exportadores do mundo. Nossos produtos atendem a 20 mercados com preços altamente competitivos. Possibilitando grande lucro também no exterior.

Somos um dos paises mais estáveis do mundo em relação à política e a conflitos externos e internos sejam eles políticos ou militares. Todos os empreendimentos no Brasil têm total apoio do exercito para garantir o seu investimento.

Enquanto os outros paises lutavam entre si o Brasil trabalho para obter supremacia econômica. Fico feliz agora em poder apresentar o Grandioso Império Brasileiro.

Obrigado pela ajuda de todos nossos amigos por fazer isso uma realidade.