The national lottery is finally here, tickets are free! 30 000 NOK PRIZE POOL!

Day 1,573, 12:01 Published in Norway Norway by The Bank of Norway

Great News Everyone! The Norwegian state is starting a weekly lottery for eNorwegian citizens with dreamy prizes.

The prize pool is:

1. place - 15 000 NOK
2. place - 10 000 NOK
3. place - 5 000 NOK

How do you participate ?

Its simple and its FREE.
First you have to have a Norwegian citizenship, second you have to comment the article with your ticket number. First to comment writes ticket/# 1, second ticket 2 and so on. PS: only one ticket per player. If another person has all ready posted a comment with the same ticket number as you, delete your post and post the next number. If you fail to do this the person who first commented the ticket is the ticket holder.

this could be you

The lottery will end on day 1577, 23:99 Erep day, and the result will be announced on day 1578 will be used to pick the winners.

ex. Comment 1:
wooow coool, ticket1
Comment 2:
ticket 2
Comment 3:
Fuck I don’t have norwegian cz
Comment 4:
ticket 3
Comment 5
ticket 3 <--- DELETE → ticket 4

and remember to shout and vote🙂

MoF of Norway