The Narwhal's Plight

Day 1,896, 10:47 Published in USA United Kingdom by Othere

With the Country President elections coming up in a matter of days, it is the best time as any to remind you of the plight of the Narwhal.

This majestic Arctic cetacean is dwindling in population due to the eDeep-sea drilling for weapons raw material in Northern Russia, and Canada. Compoundingly, the Narwhal has been long valued for its long horn. On the eIndonesian black market a Narwhal horn can bring thousands of gold. Pig-disgusting eSwedes still use the Narwhal’s blubber for lighting their lamps. The loss of such a humble and aesthetically pleasing beast would be too much for the ecosystem, and, indeed, the Universe to bear.

It is time for our leaders to use the international clout to curb the senseless slaughter of the great Narwhal. The time is now for all CP candidates to declare their determination to advocate for the Narwhal, protect it, so that future eGenerations will see the rare wonder of a Narwhal horn piercing the sea foam.

This message is brought to you by the Narwhal Consortium. Do your part, Vote Narwhal smart!