The most economic way to improve your wellness

Day 861, 10:16 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

- Jockson in Africa -

In the previous article Jockson explained how to improve your wellness in the most efficient way. Today, the explanation is how to do it the most economically.

Wellness is vital in several ways. Your productivity depends on your wellness, and your fighting strength too. The higher your wellness, the best you'll do. Wellness is represented by the figure on the left side of your panel, the little man that looks like drowning. Look at it, if the water is somewhere up to your neck it means you're doing fine, but if you allow the water to drop below your waist, you soon won't be able to fight anymore, and if it drops to your feet, you might die then.

To avoid the death, just keep the little man sunk in the water. Logical, ain't it?


Now, the most economic way to raise the wellness is to buy a lot of cheapest food and wait a couple of days till it's up to hundred. Don't train, don't work, afford yourself a vacation. That is the most economic way.

But this is kind of reserved for the aristocracy - for the men that have time on their hands. We the working class don't have that, so what you'll want to hear is the working class version of this tutorial. Here it is. It's the combination of buying food and gifts, or even houses, but mind you houses are more of a long term investment. be continued...">