The morning after the night before

Day 739, 10:52 Published in USA USA by Necrosis
All I see turns to brown
As the sun burns the ground.
And my eyes fill with sand
As I scan this wasted land.

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin

As you’re probably aware if you’ve read any article in the news the past 36 hours or so, a massive offensive was launched by ex PEACE nations against their enemies, and our allies.

Indonesia and Malaysia
I’ll start off with this front first, as it’s probably one of the more impressive fronts of recent, in my opinion. Indonesia attacked all three of Malaysia’s regions over a period of time that spanned a few hours, and initially met with high resistance; within a few hours, the emerging battles in Europe stole the focus of Malaysia’s MPPs away from the Asian theatre, which allowed Indonesia some breathing room.

With this breathing room they were able to take two of the three regions attacked. Peninsular Malaysia, the site of the only Q5 hospital was taken, with the end of the battle going into overtime, and an impressive tank finish on both sides, with the wall hovering between 500 points, to 12,000 points. Ultimately, the battle was won by Indonesia, with the hospital being destroyed.

Prior to this, the battle in the old training war ground of Sabah was also secured by Indonesia; this battle was less of a close thing, with the defence not really trying to secure this ultimately unimportant region.

The final battle was for the high wood region of Sarawak. Unlike the other two regions, this battle entered the final stretch with a highly positive wall, the defenders went into this battle with an advantage. Indonesia spent a large amount on wellness packs and Q5 guns for troops here, but ultimately, their tanking rush was too little to bring down the almost 400,000 wall against them.

The fact that they went up against the 29 MPPs in the first place is an action to be respected. The fact that they were able to take 2 out of 3 regions, even with the other battles raging around the world, is still an impressive feat; Indonesia deserve respect as powerful enemies in their own right. They are not the country the once were, but this war has shown one thing; when the chips are down, l never bet against Indonesia.

Their gains will doubtless be short-lived; I fully expect Malaysia to use the plethora of MPPs on their side to retake their territory once the global scene cools down a bit. But hey, gold isn’t just there to sit in an org account and be admired; its to be used.

Peru – the end
As mentioned previously, Brazil had the final three regions held by the PTO’d Peru under attack in tandem with the attacks in Malaysia and Croatia; this was an agreed merger between ALA countries and Peru, in the hope of removing the PTO group from Peruvian congress.

Argentina were able to take several regions before a Peru-Poland MPP was signed, including the lucrative high iron region, the region which made Peru important. Argentina, knowing they were too weak to continue, stopped after this, and Brazil declared war, but did not attack for several days.

With the timing of the battles, Brazil was easily able to annex all three remaining regions, thus bringing Peru down to zero regions. I expect several RWs to pop up in the region, and keeping the country under wraps until congressional elections in a month or so will be a hard feat for the emergent Argentina, and Brazil. Even if they are kept, there remains some issue as to whether or not Argentina will willingly give up the high iron region when asked for it to be returned.

Finland – the sacrifice
Along with the other attacks, several battles were opened against Finland; two from Russia, one from a region swap involving Estonia and Latvia. The Latvian attack, as it was last time, was successful, meeting almost no opposition from anyone; Croatia being the main focus of the defensive attacks.

The first Russian attack on Oulu was also successful; the later battle, started in Eastern Finland was not. This battle became the main focus of the defensive effort by allied troops once the major battles in North West Croatia; overturning an over 300,000 deficit in order to win.

However, before this battle finished, another attack was launched on Western Finland; one of Finland’s 2 Q5 hospital regions. It is unlikely that this battle will be won by the attacking force, due to the number of MPPs they are up against. Russia however can re-attack Eastern Finland before the Western Finland battle is over, and keep the initiative in the war for an indefinite period of time. As long as the region of Lapland is not attacked, Russia cannot be blocked on non original territory, which means in order to save Finland, another country, most likely Norway, would have to throw itself under the bus.

Croatia – the best for last
The main focus of the attacking power was levelled against Croatia, forces from the world over travelled to Serbia and Hungary in order to attempt to take out 2 of Croatia’s most important and largest regions. Ultimately, both attacks were secured by Croatia.

The wall in Slavonia was slowly increasing throughout the day; it spent several hours before the final push on both sides sat at the secure zone. With 10 minutes left on the battle timer, 277428 / 499800 was the state of the wall; with it almost exactly in the middle, it came down to a nice and simple tank battle. The 10 minutes left on the clock were more than enough to push the wall to over 40,000 damage above the secure line, and keep Croatia safe for another day.

Meanwhile, in North West Croatia, the battle spent most of the day below -500k in the underground; it dipped to below -800,000 for a while as well. This was a gargantuan effort by Hungary, taking advantage of the focus being on Slavonia. When Slavonia begun to look more healthy for the defence, the focus shifted to this battle. Slowly but surely, the wall rose over a period of several hours, until, with 10 minutes to go, it sat at 280019 / 453150. Eventually, it was secured, after several minutes of overtime, and large amount of gold an guns used on both sides of the battle.

Naturally, the distraction attacked started by Slovenia was also unsuccessful.

This most likely wont be the last time a battle here will happen; the Balkan area is a hotbed of hatred on both sides; the fact that Serbia keeps trying to succeed against such odds is testament to this fact.
