The Monkey in Congress

Day 976, 15:30 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q

Hello eCanada!
Bonjour eCanada!

I would like to announce that I am running for Congress this month, dans la belle province du Québec! I was elected in Quebec last term, même si mon français n'etait pas parfait ( 😉 ) et j'aimerais continuer d'être un membre du Congrès pour la province.">

The reason I would like to be in Congress? Congress creates the basis of the Government through legislation. It proposes and votes on Acts and Laws that form the organizational structure and procedural methods on how the Government and legislated entities are to conduct themselves. These are the building blocks of a country to be used for the foundation of our society. I am an organizational, logistical, and analytical citizen that has a sight on ensuring the foundations of our country are well laid.

Part of this comes from recent events (hi TemujinBC! 😃 ), where the Laws and Verdicts have been disputed for not being clear enough. I would agree that they have not been clear, and that they need to clarified so as to not set an inappropriate precedence for future events.

Next term, I would like to focus on two things:
1. Ensuring the Canadian Laws are accessible, well-defined, and easy to read. If a legal document is not well-defined, then it is too easy for misinterpretations and loopholes. If a legal document is not easy to read, it will discourage citizens from reading the document and knowing how the Government is run. If a legal document is not accessible, then that simply shows poorly on the part of the Government.

2. Ensuring the Canadian Laws are accessible, well-defined, and easy to read for everyone. Most everyone has noticed that Canada is a bilingual nation, mais pouvez-vous trouver la version française de nos lois? Non? Probablement parce qu'ils n'existent pas! Ce devrait être une Droite Constitutionnel pour un citoyen d'une nation bilingue à lire des documents officiels dans la langue de leur choix. I believe that Congress should act with a bit of Egalitarianism, treating all citizens as equals, when it comes to such matters. For that reason, I will be focusing sur notre lois canadiens next term.

Merci pour votre temps, et j'espère que vous pouvez m'aider à créer une nation un peu plus « Egalitariste ». Your vote on election day, the 25th, would truly be appreciated.

Kronos Q
Congress Candidate">
The Egalitarian Party of Independent Canadians
Le Parti Egalitariste des Canadiens Indépendants

Note: I was going to title this article, "KongRessiONal electiOnS Q", but then Sperry said he would punch me xD