The Miracle At Limousin

Day 385, 18:01 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy

Under the leadership of Benn Dover, the United States overcame a 27,000 surplus at the Battle of Limousin in two hours. Notable tanks such as JaviBoss, Tuput, Durruti, Emerick, Misho, Shadow Figure, and Benn Dover were supplemented with numbers of American soldiers also contributing. Additionally, allies from ATLANTIS moved to help out. Together, they delivered enough damage to the wall in order to overcome the surplus that PEACE had built up and to conquer the territory. PEACE forces from Italy, Indonesia and Brazil resisted the efforts, but their attempts proved futile.

General William Shafer could be heard pepping up the troops when the turnaround looked impossible. However, his belief began to turn to reality as the top ATLANTIS fighters began to offset and then overproduce the damage of their PEACE counterparts.

Every American who has participated in this battle should be proud of their country and the battle’s outcome. I know I am. History will remember Limousin. And now Limousin is American. Drink up the glory and prepare for tomorrow and the next fight.