The Many Tribes of eBE...

Day 1,795, 13:49 Published in Belgium Belgium by Konrad Neumann

Tensions are up in eBE. Frustrations are high and there is a huge spike in SC cases. While all SC cases are resolved at this time and the SC is calm once more, tensions and frustrations remain high. While there is dysfunction with in our community it is not to the civil levels yet, but it is still something we need to be concerned about. In many ways, the eBE community is divided into many small fragmented tribes/ clans. These tribes clashes with each other and often times view each other with personal dislike and would like to see each other burn.

The first tribe is anti-establishment tribe. Some notable members are Shadow, Goppy and Kylero. They do differ from the LCC/ Libertad tribe which I will discuss later in this article, but the anti-establishment tribe views this government as bad and incompetent. They tend to focus most of their attention and attacks of the current president, NLSP who at times do give this tribe a lot of ammo. The anti-establishment tribe cares about game rules more than what some would consider "role-play community rules." They also seem to favor a more isolationist policy in which they do not like the alliance CoT. The anti establishment tribe while still trolls at times, they are more nuanced than the LCC/ Libertad since this tribe use the SC as well as logical arguments to defend their positions. Overall, the anti-establishment tribe enjoys being in this community and they really want to make a point at NLSP's expense.

The second tribe I will talk about is the LCC/ Libertad tribe. This tribe differs from the first since their motive and tactics are really different. Of all of the tribes, the LCC/ Libertad tribe is the crudest and most perplexing tribe in eBE. While they claim to be communist and anarchist, they are not real communist at all. The LCC/ Libertad tribe does not play by the rules and they are actively trying to get foreign PTOers to PTO eBE. From the past G50 attempt to the more recent Greek issue, the LCC is infamous in eBE. While they use communist rhetoric, their only agenda is to consolidate all of eBE's power and resource for themselves. They demand transparency from the state but they are not transparent with their party affairs. They demand state subsidies but they dodge tax of all forms. This tribe is also supported and financed by a Greek MU called Libertad. Overall this tribe is against both the government and the community as a whole. While they have some similarities with the anti-establishment tribe, they are fundamentally different but that does not mean they will work with each other on some issues. Overall, the gov falls etc, these two tribes will butt heads and will be rivals due to ideology but more importantly, personality and ego.

The third tribe I would like to talk about is the establishment tribe. These are the people who are in government or are in position of power (both hard and soft). The establishment is very frustrated at both the anti-establishment tribe and the LCC. They view the anti-establishment tribe as whiners and trolls. Many of the establishment tribe are bored with people like Goopy who they feel is acting immature and unrealistic. The establishment tribes view the LCC as anarchist and a PTO threat. The establishment tribe is fighting a two side battle but it still has the upper hand since it is much larger than both the anti-establishment and the LCC/ Libertad tribe. What is most important about the establishment tribe is that it has legitimacy for they are voted in by the people. While yes some anti-establishment people are elected into congress, but overall their position are in the minority and they only have one or two seats. Despite the power and the establishment tribe, there are signs of trouble as well.

The fourth tribe of eBE are the disillusioned tribe. These are the people who was part of the establishment tribe but was so disillusioned by the first two tribes and their effects on the community, they decided to emigrate to a different country. These members includes MaryamQ, Cotarius, RD, Tecuvo, and others. They are extremely frustrated and tired of the attitudes and lack of respect of the anti-establishment and LCC/Libertad tribe. Also many are tired of how NLSP and the establishment style of government. Overall, many of these people lost hope for different reasons.

Overall, these divisions are not good for eBE. While it is understandable that the LCC/Libertad are not trustable due to their questionable ties, but many of the anti-establishment and establishment problems could of been avoided or prevented. While the established tribe is still on top of things, it did make errors. NLSP's personal quest to remove Fhaemita's friend of congress mask was one huge error. While Fhaemita has ties to the anti-establishment tribe, the reason for his removal was personal. The ego of NLSP did not help get the BNA budget bill past. He did violate procedures and instead of taking MaryamQ's compromise, he let his pride and ego to dictate his ability to govern, The issue was taking up by the SC and he lost. He wasted eBE time and money in the process. While it is not all NLSP's fault, all side are equally to blame. While I do not really see any end in sight, but I do know that NLSP has to go. While it is not solely his fault, but it is his polarizing personality and style of governance that is drawing up tensions. While Goopy's NLSP sucks articles are childish and lame and the anti-establishment people will continue to be anti-establishment, but one must wonder would a different CP would generate less tension. While many calm people left eBE (disillusioned tribe) we really do need someone like Elynea to run for office again.