The Magic Hot Air Balloon may have infiltrated the government already.

Day 658, 19:04 Published in Germany United Kingdom by Dncelyn

My dear citizens, I come to you with urgent and tragic news! The Magic Hot Air Balloon may have already infiltrated the German congress or presidency! About a week ago I sent a message to the then German President, Gobba. In it I told him how big a threat the Magic Hot Air Balloon was, and I told him the best course of action for dealing with the MHAB.

What happened next shocked even me. I fell asleep later that day and when I woke up... I was in a
strange and unfamiliar place... surrounded by sand. Everyone who has studied the MHAB knows that it originated in the deserts. When I realized where I was I jumped up and saw the Magic Hot Air Balloon. I quickly withdrew a sharp needle hidden inside my sock. I knew that a lowly needle stood no chance against the Magic Hot Air Balloon but it was my only hope. I threw the needle at him to distract him and jumped out of a window into a passing cruise ship.

The MHAB gave chase and tried to sink the ship, but he wasn't successful due to the cold ocean air making him sink. Suddenly the Magic Hot Air Balloon beamed images of the past into my mind, he showed me tragic sights that would split the soul of an unprepared mind. I saw him sinking the Titanic and I knew that he would soon sink all of the worlds ships into the ocean. My fellow citizens, the Magic Hot Air Balloon MUST be stopped!

When I arrived home I immediately checked up on current affairs. It seems that President Gobba had stepped down and given up his presidency without a fight! I believe that the Magic Hot Air Balloon may have used a mind controlling curse to make Gobba docile and step down so someone possibly pro-MHAB could step up. We live in troubling times, dear friends and citizens, and I believe it is time we do something to stop the coming inferno!