The Luxury of Mediocrity – A Call to Action

Day 937, 15:04 Published in Canada Canada by Alexander Rearden

I moved to eCanada in the June of 2008, two weeks after my ebirth, over two years ago. In that time I have seen this nation at its very best and it’s very worst. I was there when V1 turned our nation upside down and brought a new breed of public servants into the limelight, names like Augustus Baldwin, Tom Hagen, Bruck, Coda, John Wilkmot, Zanalan, Dean 22, JT Vanguard, Alexander Rearden and others built this nation in the wake of V1 launch. That generation, is my generation, we weren’t saints, we weren’t perfect. We most certainly made mistakes, but there was always opposition, there was always debate, and growth. The news was filled with articles articulately, and sometimes not so articulately, debating the policies of the current government or platforms of candidates vying for the Presidency. Always, there was a prevailing and constant debate on the effectiveness of the current government.

I was there when the Oligarchs, my generation fell, my loss in the June 2009 Presidential election signaled the end of the Beta Giants and the rise of the V1 “Boomer” generation. The person at the vanguard of the new generation became one of, if not the, greatest Prime Minister in eCanadian history. Jacobi. The man who brought eCanada back from total annihilation with the aid of focused, intelligent and hardworking cabinet ministers. Through the entirety of this, there was a constant voice of opposition, challenging the establishment to focus on clear and concise policies that produced results. As the prosperity of the Jacobian era continued, the opposition subsided, the roar of the printing presses became a whisper, a dull hum of the day to day. Prime Ministers came and went, the steady ebb and flow political parties continued. We had a tremendous luxury, mediocrity. A luxury we could enjoy because our nation was built on giants, on foundations laid by the greats of eCanadian history.

My fellow eCanadians we do not have the luxury of mediocrity.

Our stagnation, and acceptance of the status quo has slowly decayed the foundations of our nation. Our finances were once secure, our leaders held to a standard of excellence and accountability. We have had vast portions of the governments resources slip away, with only apologies and promises it won’t happen again. No outrage, no impeachment votes, no calls for reform. We had only handful of comments and a few poorly supported news articles on the greatest theft and the largest loss of eCanadian funds in the history of this nation.

We MUST demand better, both of ourselves and of our leaders.

We stand at the precipice of a new era. It will be an era where we, the people of eCanada, have the capacity for unparalleled greatness, a greatness founded in the resources of this nation both natural and human. However, the current state of our political system has become deadweight upon our greatness. We need a vision ladies and gentlemen. It must be a vision that we both rally behind, and debate with utmost respect and scrutiny.

I urge EVERY Canadian to not only read the news, but comment, EVERY Canadian to talk to their congressmen about what they are doing to prepare eCanada for V2.

Ask them where that 2600 gold in the National Bank of Canada went.

Ask them how well they believe eCanada is prepared for V2.

Ask them how they plan to maximize eCanada’s natural resources.

Ask them who they feel is worthy to lead this nation into an uncertain future.

Don’t follow the party line, don’t just accept what the handful of party presidents, and power brokers have to say. Ask questions, and get involved.

- Alexander Rearden
eCanadian Patriot
Member of the Order of Canada
Officer of the Order of Military Merit - Pvt. 4th Platoon
Former Minister of Finance - November thru April (2008-2009)
Congressmen from Ontario - Nov. (2009)
Forum and IRC Admin - October (200😎 - June (2009)
Congressmen from the Yukon - August, October, November (200😎
Deputy Prime Minister - November (200😎