The Logic of Collective Action

Day 1,609, 11:11 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good day eCanada,

First off, I would like to thank my first 100 subscribers!

There have been many articles recently in the eCanadian media regarding the "rebellion" against the various Norsefire Parties. Mia, Olloyd, Killer2001, and ArdikusV2 have all run against well established Norsefire party leaders. Mia in specific, has run an excellent campaign. She has done tremendously well for a very new player! I also commend her on her conscious decision NOT to buy votes.

The leaders of the norsefire parties have won the elections. Some would call this a loss. Personally, I think that the very fact that there was a rebellion to begin with is a victory in itself. This should be seen as a turning point for eCanada.

I now turn to Why We Lost

It's too simple and easy to say that we lost because Rolo et al. bought and handed out countless tanks. (They of course did buy votes, but that's not the point). We need to look deeper.

eCanada as a whole would benefit from a Norsefire free political atmosphere. So why don't more eCanadians work towards getting rid of Norsefire? Why did 60+ people vote for Killer2001's article but only a handful of people voted for him in the election?

Mancur Olson wrote about a problem that affects groups.

One of his main ideas, the logic of collective action, describes how when a group has a collective goal that requires a contribution from everyone, some will 'free-ride'. In other words: they will rely on other to supply the contribution.

The group in question is the eCanadian population. The goal is getting rid of norsefire. The contribution is of course, voting for a particular candidate. Many people applauded the efforts of Mia and the others but when it came to e-day, they were absent. They relied on other people to go out and vote.

The Three Types of Voters

1. Those who sell their vote: This group is actually the minority and is not as powerful as Rolo and his girlfriend wallly would have you believe.

2. Those who wasted their vote in their party: Some will have trouble understanding this category. How can I waste my vote? Well, take a look at Sperry: he won by a solid 70 votes! Could 50-60 of those votes not have gone towards PTOing a norsefire party?

3. Those who are willing to use their vote in a way that will be of most benefit to the nation.

A long time ago I was in the second group. I even spent some time in the first group. However, now I'm solidly in the third. This shows that there is no reason to despair. We just have to convince the #2s to become #3s

Why all is not lost for eCanada:

Ardikus V2 was one vote away from winning and taking his party back!

Mia lost by 12 votes!

Take a look at the numbers. We almost did it! With better organization and more momentum, we will succeed next month.

The wasted votes in the EPIC election could have pushed these candidates over the top and we would have fewer norsefire parties today. Did Sperry really need that many votes?

Moving Forward

Next month we will rid ourselves of norsefire. We will take these parties from the hands of the corrupt norsefire. However, we need an active contribution from everyone.

- Stop free-riding and relying on others to get things done.

- Stop wasting your votes in your parties when you could vote in an ATO or anti-norsefire action.

- Party Presidents: If you see you are winning by a large margin, tell people not to vote for you.

This is not a battle, it is not a campaign, it's not even a war. This is a crusade and we should treat it as such. This will not be over quickly, this will not be painless, ths will not be without effort. We will eliminate the norsefire plague from our country.