The Libyan resistance on October 29, 2011

Day 1,439, 09:11 Published in Finland Finland by Shvarcneger

Announced on Thursday, ending NATO's military operation in Libya October 31, 2011 was only the end of military intervention, under the guise of feeble resolution 1973. And they go out of Libya and thought ... .. NATO will remain, albeit in a different format. For the most part it will be soldiers from Qatar, the mercenaries of private military companies and other organizations. According to AlgeriaISP, Libyan citizens have reported the appearance of the streets of Tripoli thugs «Blackwater» - private security agencies of the United States, accused in Iraq and Afghanistan in the murder and torture of local residents. In general, «Blackwater» - this is "an informal division of the U.S. Army."

Tripoli: Every day there are heavy street fighting. People resist by all means, unfortunately, almost no ammunition. At the moment, fierce firefight in Abu Salim El-Nasr City and Al-Fateh. Abu Salim snipers eliminated three insurgents who were guarding the entrance and exit from the military base. Later, in another part of Tripoli, Suq al-Juma of resistance fighters blew up the ammunition depot. Three explosions rocked the area Hani El this morning, destroyed several pickup trucks, dozens of rebels killed and wounded. Five families of patriots and Margani Boussif were killed in El-Nasr City American mercenaries «Blackwater». Their bodies were taken to an unknown destination. 7000 war supporters Gaddafi in custody in temporary detention centers in Tripoli, their conditions are very severe.

Sirte: The American soldiers are combing the city in search of surviving resistance fighters and arms. Today, 12 of them were killed as a result of a successful guerrilla sabotage.

Sorman: Patriots Libyan resistance had a successful counter-attack on security checkpoints in the Sahil, several gangsters were killed.

Bani Wali😛 Five insurgents who tried to disarm the population, have been eliminated without further ado.

Tarougha: 73 doctors and nurses were captured by the mercenaries of NATO.

SOUTH Libya all the black tribes of South Libya, officially announced that he would never be part of either the PNS or NATO, "We do not agree with the current government of Libya, all the tribal federation in South and Central Libya has nothing to do with the Transitional National Council, we do not have no economic or financial, or cultural affairs with the authorities of the PNS. SGP and warned NATO not to violate our airspace, we will shoot down any aircraft approaching over the Sahara, who had not received prior approval from the South, whether commercial or military. We are independent government based in the Jamahiriya, over our territory proudly blows the green flag. "