The last dance, o7

Day 1,100, 16:14 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan_L

We had great moments in the last 2 months. I won't recall them but you all now.

Thank you very much for all of them!

Today we had what I was calling The last dance. It was meant to have a different outcome, but you never know when you are going into the battle. You just do everything what depends on you, try to bring the best from the people on your side. And we really did! We were there! It was a battle where both sides spent many thousands of gold. Many! Thank you very much to all fighting on our side, to romanian troups, to the mobile troups from EDEN and to those tanks that helped us. Great fight!

But today I have to congratulate Phoenix forces. Don't know the source of their new power (money wise speaking), but they DID IT! They did it really good! At one moment in time Romania had over 400 citizens on line, many of them from Phoenix countries. Heavy tanking on both sides, still stable until the wall just dropped from 50% to 46% in 10 sec. It was unbelievable at least to see it. I can just imagine how it was to be on the other side.

You have been better!



Dragi romani,

Am avut momente excelente in ultimele luni. Nu le voi mai rememora pe toate.

Va multumesc pentru toate acestea.

Insa astazi am avut de a face cu ceea ce numeam : Ultimul dans. Era destinat sa aiba o altfel de finalizare, dar niciodata cand pornesti la lupta nu poti garanta succesul. Incerci sa faci tot ceea ce depinde de tine, incerci sa mobilizezi cetatenii ce lupta de partea ta. A fost o batalie in care ambele tabere au consumat multe mii de gold. Multe! Multumesc foarte mult pentru tot efortul, trupelor romane, trupelor mobile din EDEN si tuturor tankurilor care ne'au ajutat. A fost o batalie fantastica!

Insa astazi trebuie sa felicit fortele Phoenix. Nu stiu sursa noii lor puteri (din punct de vedere financiar desigur) insa au facut'o. La un moment in Romania erau peste 400 cetateni online, multi dintre ei din Phoenix. Pe final , in ciuda tankingului masiv de ambele parti, zidul a scazut brusc de la 50% la 46% in doar 10 sec. A fost de necrezut doar sa vedem asa ceva. Imi pot doar imagina cum s'a vazut/luptat de partea cealalta.




PS: daca a fost pe bune, jos palaria!

Insa maine e o alta zi: )