The Kiss of Judas ...:::

Day 808, 19:28 Published in North Korea Romania by Carlos Bianchi

Hello dear citizens from eNorth Korea,

Today I decided to connect and look the partial result against the PTO president, and I hadn´t a surprise when I discover that Kasedy would have more votes than me for country president of eNorth Korea.

I will tell you why?

1 - The political elections here in eNorth Korea always were characterized by personal attacks with lies, instead a serious political debate with proposals.

2 - We had a big chance to be a great country someday, but this chance was destroyed when Drago decided to attack the Russia by order from USA. The Russia were stronger, they conquested here and today, we have this.

3 - The right-wing political orientation always was present here. I don´t agree about the right-wing but I let they live. Despite they always want to kill us.

3 - For some minutes, I thought we could win the presidency, but when I discovered that conformist created the third political party (The survival of mistake party) in this small country with only one territory, just cos wanted to be president. I saw we would lose cos this would divide the votes.

4 - Then, he decided to support and don´t support us, giving his kiss of judas, just stopping to run for country presidency, cos he always knew that would have less than 10 votes. Since that he has only 3 conformists here.

5 - But he conquested support by people from another countries, opportunists who had already forgotten the country, like Dubster and Lefix. For my surprise, Lefix supported this opportunist. He will run for country presidency next month, by conformist party. Be carefull!

6 - I won´t comment about the opportunistic brazilians cos I don´t want to pollute my article more.

7 - The attacks with lies who came from Dubster, lefix and conformist (s) only made me, the only Anti-PTO candidate, lose votes today. It isn´t my fault. Blame them.

Now its time for the last question, north koreans:

Do they really voted against the PTO?

Thanks for all who voted to me.
We had a good result instead all.

Carlos Bianchi.
North Korean Restoration Party.