The Joint Strike (sounds catchy, right?)

Day 3,051, 12:52 Published in Israel Slovenia by Jascha Stark

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to announce that we resume the project formerly known as Common Strike. It’s been a long while since we last arranged something like this. Moreover, there are some people who have never taken part in this kind of events before, so we need to show them how cool it can be to cooperate. For those who have no idea of what a Joint Strike is, it’s a particular kind of event where we get together at a chat channel, crack some jokes on each other (optional), discuss recent movies (optional), choose a target (recommended), move to the battlefield and start pushing the big red button at the same time. That’s what people call fun here. The last time I remember us performing a Common Strike, it didn’t work well what with a lack of activity and communication. Today we have a possibility to fix those mistakes and start doing what we’re supposed to be doing which is to unite our nation and build a friendly community. I know the real life holds you down hard, that’s why I’m asking you to spare just an hour of your weekend time. Let’s start with a little.

Saying that we really got to work on our communication I mean a certain means of communication. And as you may have guessed already, it’s called Discord. You know, I don’t remember how many times I have mentioned this thingy so far, but this hardly seems to help. We keep inviting you, you keep ignoring it. We invite you, you ignore it. While I respect the way you’ve chosen to play this game, I’m sure about the fact that playing together we can do much more than doing it each on our own. Well, that’s quite an obvious statement. So, let’s be friends, let’s communicate. Share your ideas on what you’d like to participate in. Let’s do something. On Discord.

As for why it’s called a Joint Strike, we thought it would be cool to get some of our allies involved in the project. So, if you’re reading this right now and considering yourself an ally of Israel (and wouldn’t mind joining the party), you should definitely let me or our MoFA know about it. Feel free to do it. Yes, now is ok.

Let’s bottom-line this Strike thing:
April 3rd (that’s going to be Sunday), 8:00 AM eRepublik time
Food and guns are on the house.
Looking forward to seeing you.