The Jewish prank

Day 2,280, 16:06 Published in Romania Romania by Sir Lucas IV

Last reply to Yankel Edelmann, response article

Dear Iancu (sounds better, for the sake of an eRomanian debate),

Political debate it's (usually) a fruitful process. Nonetheless, painting me as "intolerant" or ignorant puts you in a cone of shadow, potentially reflecting them to yourself.
Lets get our facts straight: The comparison I've made of the jewish group with the gypsies group is meant to reflect the lack of establishing a proper identity within this Universe. Similar to the Gypsies, you are first a Jew and then (if needs be) an eRomanian. While in the RL "human" world these groups exist, in the eRepublik we're bound by the set rules of game. So far, I can only see "nations", including eIsrael.
When I say "lack of identity" I also refer to the "double standard" of "being a Jew". If, by being a Jew, you mean being (in eRepublik) an eIsraelian, why not go for this term? I know, you'll tell me "being Jew is an identity of itself". But what's the foundation of this, in this game? Would it be maybe religion? Never heard of such thing here.
Are the citizens of eIsrael calling themselves Jews?
Yes? Then why is the state called different?
No? Then what's your point in associating with them?
And again, if "Jews" are a "brand" of eIsrael, why wouldn't you portray yourself as an "eIsrael diplomatic function"?

Oh, but I know. You are Jews, in RL world "the chosen people". You do have a Country in both worlds, but still, you just don't get "enough credit". You have "majestic roots" that outlive any nationality. Is it? So you make "Zionist Movements" in all the other nations, claiming the efforts and resources and attention of a part of its citizen "of Jewish ancestry". And why is that? Of course, the game allows it and I have absolutely no trouble with that. But what's the "final aim" of this? Where does this go? Maybe, to "preserve" a purely RL world imported "Jewish tradition"? How naive do you think most are?

Could it be that this Movement is your personal interest in "showing off" with the eIsraeli officials - bring your contribution, gain some status, influence, whatever?
Otherwise, as you say - for such a small number of eRomanian Jews, you invest your effort in creating a group, a distinction, a separation of people based on... "being Jewish". What nonsense is that?

Please do not quote "antisemitic evidence" in the comments of your own article, where you instigate and encourage the "fascist comments" also (EDIT: you removed that part).

As for various eRomanian (citizens or parties) fighting themselves ... they are "simple eRomanians". Idiots, stupid, gullible, but in the end Romanians. And they, same as me, don't need a "Jewish saviour" to set things straight around here. We die by our tongue and stupidity and bravery.

If I could, I would pass a law to have your eRomanian citizenship removed. You are just an eIsraelian "interference", claiming "the best of things" under the old story of "hey Jews, unite!".
If eIsrael would invade and endanger eRomania you would chose "the Jewish side".

Personally, I wish you the best of luck in keeping your Movement small and unimportant. And I would advise any eRomanian to either find better activites or join the diplomatic corps (if they want to improve stuff with eIsrael).

Some eRomanian,
Sir Lucas IV, Romania Unita