The Interview with Mistwalker, MVP

Day 592, 10:17 Published in Romania Bosnia and Herzegovina by Smajl-aga

Hello dear readers!!! This is my first article on the Romanian Market. My name is Smajl-aga and I am from eBiH:

I made this interview because of EDEN.One of the initiators is Mistwalker, MVP Romania. I want to thank him for this interview because back at home this interview has solved our dilemmas.

We visit him at Donbas, Ukraine. He is level 19 and he is general, editor in chief of newspaper "Zdrang"

MAX TV:How do you come to the idea of Eden?
After Atlantis was formerly dissolved a lot of former nation members in Europe and their representatives met on a secure chat room and started talking about how the world would look with only one super-power running around and doing as it pleased (PEACE), at the time we decided that there is no harm in keeping close relations and active alliances between friendly nations so you can say that in a way EDEN always existed between European nations, it now just rooted out the members that were slow to respond or opposed action with endless rules, debates and beaurocracy, one sadly even openly betrayed the former Atlantis.

MAX TV:What is the EDEN?
EDEN - European Defense and Economy Network is a brotherhood of nations, an old boys club if you will accept this term. The alliance purpose is to defend itself strategically , politically and economically against attacks from aggressive PEACE nations and secure our interests in Europe, we don't want to become overlords of Europe and conquer it or anything, just make sure we can do what we can to enjoy the game and not let anything disturb our "way of life".

MAX TV:We can't forget Atlantis. How you sure that EDEN will not end as the Atlantis?
Some of the troubles with Atlantis in my opinion was that there were always parties that had a different view on how the alliance was supposed to function and a lack of synchronization in actions therefore ensued, if your heart and will is not committed to something an ally is doing you won't be able to help him with your full strength. By going on the concept of friendship over common goals I hope we can prevent conflicts of interests from interfering in alliance business and slowing us down. Also no new members will be accepted without the consent of ALL member countries.

MAX TV:We have a problem back at home because our president says that we are not in any alliance but at your article our Flag is the EDEN.So can you tell me why our flag is there and what is reason for putting us at the EDEN?
I thought something like this might happen, in the beginning when we were discussing EDEN the proposal to invite BiH into our familly came from Roby Petric who said can vouch for you guys being interested in this, I simply assumed he was delegated to speak for both Croatia and Bosnia in this matter since you seemed to be very close in all this 😃 my bad.

MAX TV😮ur people always asking what will we get when we get in the EDEN?
Any member of EDEN will receive military support through MPP and mobile division deployment in case of danger, voters and a lot of flexibility when discussing economy , taxes and licenses between countries.

MAX TV:Will EDEN help eCroatia on their president's election because eCroatia is threatening TO by Peace?
Each countries voting corps are prepared and at the moment we are establishing logistics for moving civilian population that also wants to help 🙂

MAX TV:Will EDEN have answer on the Hungarian progress on the Balkan?
Hungary is currently simply attempting to free Serbian territories, they have no other progress to make in the Balcans, since if they try to move against a non-allied country there the MPP's of half the world will activate and stop them. As long as we are united and stick together our walls will always be high enough to stop any invasion. (I know you will say that Hungary already defeated 8 MPP's , I think it was just luck and an extra 2-3 thousand gold that did the difference and if they were to be fighting on different terms they couldn't strategically overpower anyone for more than 1 battle, after which they'd be left open)

MAX TV: Thank you dear Mistwalker for this interview. Goodbye dear readers to the next article.