The INCI "Problem"

Day 1,201, 13:28 Published in USA USA by Teucer
What is INCI and how can we deal with them?

I’ve gathered opinions from many people and they vary greatly from person to person. A lot of people want to combat them and try to get them to leave our country. Some want to embrace INCI because they believe INCI can be an ally. I’ll address each from my experiences with channers in other games and from the wise opinions of several other players. I’d like to thank PigInZen specifically, as the discussion I had with him was probably the most inspiring for this article.

First off, INCI are trolls; nothing more. They are simply a bunch of channers trying to get their lulz from this rather boring game. Fighting them isn’t really an option because this is all a numbers game for them. If they continue to gain members at the rate they have been, they will gain a majority hold in our Congress this month or next whether we like it or not. We can’t kick them out of the eUS or throw them out of Congress. Sure, we can keep them off the eUS private Congressional boards or out of our military, but there’s no real in game way to deal with them. Combating them also comes with the side effect of egging them on. They’re trolls and trolls love attention. The more you fight them and try to get rid of them, the more they’ll want to play. If you want rid of them, ignoring them may be the best option.

Second, we can’t let them do as they please and treat them like regular citizens because they aren’t. They aren’t here to play for eAmerica, they’re here to play for the lulz and for their own goals that are based in Turkey. That means you don’t let them into government, the military, or any other areas that are based outside of the game. Keeping them consolidated in their own party and their own chans is the best way to put ourselves in a position to pick up the pieces after they decide to quit. A framework and government can still be maintained even if we lose control of the control of the country for a short period of time. Treating their influx into this country as a PTO is the best solution. Talk to guys from eSouth Africa and see what they say about it. They have quite a bit of experience with PTOs.

The biggest problem we have with INCI is that they are not some foreign nation trying to PTO our country. They are an entirely separate entity that will not give up because they didn’t take a majority in Congress the first time. They will continue to bide their time and I seriously doubt that they will go away before they achieve their goals. Groups like INCI love causing chaos. The more Americans that freak out over their actions, the more fun they’ll have. I’m quite certain INCI was laughing like crazy after captain33’s law proposals yesterday and watching all the shouts and articles about it. I have seen the kind of damage these groups can do and they have the following necessary to do most anything they choose.

There is one hope in my mind and ironically it comes from the admins. Maybe with some luck all this boycotting and rebellion from the players will cause enough stagnation in the game to make INCI bored. Maybe with as broken as all the modules are, INCI will realize that this game really isn’t that great and will stop spending time trying to play it. But that’s a long shot and an entirely different article.

Our best option is to bide our time, ignore INCI in public as much as possible, and continue to plan and play in private where they can’t keep track of what we are thinking and doing. I hope this article was insightful and might give the uninformed an idea of what all the fuss is about. Thank you for reading!

NOTE: This the only time I intend to discuss them in public as I have asked others not to in this article.

I love to hear opinions and comments, especially if they are contrary to my own or from young players who want to learn this game!

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