The *I* in EPIC - Kronos Q

Day 1,055, 07:39 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q

After being in a political party for a while, I find two question one should always ask themselves are "What am I in the party?" and "What does being a part of this party mean to me?". I have also asked other EPIC members to think about our party, and today, we will share some of our answers with you.

What am "I" in EPIC?

I am 0.7% of EPIC, but my voice is heard as loud as any other. I am one citizen in a party of many, but I am provided the same opportunities as everyone else. I put in a single monkey's effort for the party, but it is multiplied by the efforts of those around me. This is all I am in EPIC, this is all I need to be in EPIC.

I joined EPIC right after the merger between the CNC and the CSD, now realizing I should've joined sooner. It was a party that worked to help others. It was a party of citizens who were respectful, collaborative, and who generally enjoyed being a part of the same party. It was easy-going, fun, and rewarding. EPIC has the type of environment that I enjoy. Now, as a member of EPIC, I am simply a part of this environment, and I couldn't be happier. For me, the "I" in EPIC is continuing to uphold this environment, so that others can enjoy it as I have.

What does being a part of EPIC mean to me?

Being part of EPIC is what has helped me to continue playing eRepublik. It has allowed me to do what I enjoy doing. It has introduced me to many great people. It has let me grow and develop as a player. EPIC has helped me in many ways, and slowly but surely, I will pay back this debt by being there to help EPIC.

I joined my first political party after I had been playing eRepublik for 5 months. Politics was a whole new portion of the game that I had not experienced yet. It was something I wanted to try, to delve deeper into eCanada's society and help to make a name for myself. To participate in another venue of the game. To me, being a part of EPIC means to be involved in eRepublik, which is exactly what I wanted.

So, here I am. Party President of the Egalitarian Party of Independent Canadians. When I started, I wasn't sure if I would ever get this far. I wasn't sure if I wanted to get this far. It's been real fun, a very good experience, and a big drain on my free time xD We'll see where I go from here.

Thanks for reading,

(also, thanks to Roger for this signature :3 )