The Hungarian Political Takeover of Canada and the Curse of the BQ

Day 490, 07:53 Published in Canada Canada by Augustus Baldwin
***Note: Unlike my last articles this is NOT a joke and is in fact REAL***

Know what I hate? French separatists! Know what I hate more than French separatists? Hungarian, PEACE political takeover monkeys who hijack the French separatist party to try and takeover Canada's Congress!

I was happy when the BQ died. I really was. I thought LakiKari taking it over was a good thing. I was wrong. If you haven't noticed, the new BQ slate of candidates is an ALL HUNGARIAN affair. They completely pushed out the French and are preparing to try and take our Congress from us. From Canada.

Its OK, really. Our benevolent President Bruck has taken actions to protect our national treasury in Canadian controlled Organizational Accounts. But if this is allowed to happen we are in for A MONTH of guerrilla warfare against these Hungarian invaders.

Remember tomorrow during Congressional elections: New Canada - BP du Quebec is a Hungarian takeover party. If you vote for them you are a traitor.

We must all vote for the same party in order to make sure NO Hungarian gets elected. Personally I would suggest voting for Bruck's coalition of the Canadian Empire Party and the Progressive Party of Canada in order to strengthen the central government against this threat, and the threat that will likely emerge when Hungary sends a Presidential candidate in a few weeks time.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the barbarians are at the gates! The Hungarians are coming!

Don't let Canada be raped by a backwards people from an only partially civilized part of the world!

Note: If real BQ members truly cared about Canada then they would leave this Hungarian party and join the Royal Feudalist Party so that the Hungarians would not be in the Top 5 of parties and could no longer run candidates in the election!

Also see my very special follow up commentary: