The Horns of a Dilemma

Day 2,022, 01:21 Published in USA United Kingdom by wingfield

We are beset by twin evils. One the one hand, Ajay and his AFA people want to take us over and have done plenty of recent electoral damage. On the other hand, Unity refuses to let us exercise any democratic rights at all. BOTH are unacceptable!

The latest Unity debacle has seen one candidate obtain the endorsement with a miniscule fraction of the popular vote, against another candidate with a slightly higher, but still tiny, fraction of the same vote.

There is a litany of directives to the people. “Wear the Unity candidate, or otherwise, RGR wins.”

Well, I don’t want RGR to win. I also don’t want ANY Unity candidate to win. I want someone with popular loyalist support to win, no matter which true party picks them.

I don’t want Tenshibo to win. We have history. However, it is not my role to dump garbage on his candidacy. Anyone is entitled to run and have a fair chance.

What I am saying is what I said in a shout last night. “Unity is evil. Unity has failed. Saying that we have to keep Unity until Ajay is defeated is like propping up a corpse until it smells. Oppose Unity AND AFA!

There it is in a nutshell. Unity should not be tolerated for another MINUTE. If what you get on the one hand or the other is unacceptable, switch to the Gripping Hand!

The gripping hand does this:

1. It ensures that a popular candidate gets on to the ballot and stays there as a gesture of the opinion of the people. If that candidate should win, so much the better.

2. It rejects any more propaganda about accepting the Unity candidate for now and letting proposals be considered next week. Forget next week! Fix it now!

3. It stops being cowed by the threat of an AFA takeover. What more damage can the AFA do than has already been done by Unity? Precious little, I say.

4. If the worst happens and the AFA has a temporary victory, people will move of their own accord. We will work in other countries to avoid paying tax to Ajay and his Serbian allies. Those of us who can trade will sell on other markets or trade directly with other players. We can fight battles for the eUS where and when we choose and our military unit commanders can guide us.

5. It keeps on fighting, as described in the last point but THEN exercises democratic power in the next PP elections, doing whatever it takes to retake our parties and our political integrity. That is non-existent for now and no other solution will work other than resistance and retribution.

Never again trust anyone who promotes Unity. Never trust the AFA. BE an American loyalist and stand up now!