The Heroic Battlefield

Day 1,877, 08:20 Published in Norway Norway by Jochen Lutz

Read the president's first article
Hello, dear readers!

This is the first article I publish after a one-week break and I would be happy if you read it carefully and then express your sincere opinion about the topic. Furthermore there are a few things worth mentioning, one of which is the election of the new president. I am sure that he will do his best for the prosperity of eNorway and he deserves my full trust and readiness to contribute to his cause in any time. Preventing a loose PTO attempt and combining efforts with other respected eNorwegians, his way to our future must make us confident in our common goals and success. I wish him all the best and to be able to change things by making them better!

In this article I will try to set a question, different from those, discussed earlier. Following daily orders or desperately looking for easy medals for my low division, I have been brought to other countries in the eWorld. Whilst looking for more information, reading publications and searching and researching the countries' military basics, I spotted a few elements that differ from what I know from eNorway. I am aware of the unflattering condition of our people, lacking players, regions and allies and I do not wish to compare our country with major forces, but smaller nations could be of use as well - overrun for a long time, feeling a shortage of players and friends, but still possessing ideas that are worth copying here too...

Here every one can ask for food or weapons with a shout, but often this option is not known and of use of younger players, who do not have membership in a military unit or a big friend list. And of course, the shame of asking all the time is a good break for them, adding that especially weapons are a rare and expensive object, which is not to be donated that easily.

The Kick-Start program for young players is a good initiative as well, but a more deep help for the younger ones is more than needed. As we all know, every division on the battlefield is important and a sheer number of hardly fighting players under level 25 is not to be found in eNorway. Motivating them with mentors and giving away food and weapons in public will help a lot, trust me! And it would not cost that much, but would be an irreplaceable investment in our future, I can assure you, suffering the challenges of a youngster's life.

Another aspect of a successful military commandment are the battle orders. We see the orders, given by the military unit, which are often not replaced on time or not the best option for some of the fighters. Moreover - because of eNorway's lack of MPPs we are forced to fight in campaigns, because of which we should move to other countries, what I find more than uncomfortable. Could something be done about signing more MPPs or just putting orders that we could follow in eNorway as well?

Informing the population via Daily Military Orders' articles (example 1, example 2, example 3) is not to be underestimated either and a short and simple article of the day's priorities would not waste time, nor money, but would encourage us and would give the military units a clear clue what their objectives should be. Keeping aside the effect of a clear public governmental order, the feeling of a regular publication about our military would surely preserve our spirit high. Think og getting this old tradition back to eNorway!

And last, but not least, with what I want to finish - a Natural Enemy is an important plus, I suppose, not only because of damage and strength bonuses, but because there are missions and medals, requiring fights for our homeland. "Training" battles would give us not only inspiration, they could help everybody to develop faster. What is being done about this issue?

If nothing, why are the official orders mostly about countries far away and not about our neighbours, able to save us in a time of crisis, which have their existence threatened in the last days. Sweden and Finland need our help as a friend and ally, but even though my daily battles were supposed to help nations, far away from here, whose capacity would not even sense our contribution. After all, geopolitics is still a factor in eRepublic...

Well, I am pretty sure that the article is full of mistaken facts, misunderstandings and things, which I do not really understand. I know that, but I still dare to ask you to read it and tell me what you think and what is incorrect in my thoughts here. If you can answer some of my question or explain something, please, do! I will be grateful if you do not accept the text as an accusal or an offence and just try to enjoy reading! Thank you and sorry for the long article, I hope you had the patience not to scroll it away!