The Harmonious Society

Day 747, 02:06 Published in Japan Japan by Reiji Mitsurugi

「最近では国際問題ではほと んど一致することがない」

Much has been written and discussed of our nation's great Righteous Nation Philosophy. It is the putting into words of the soul of our nation, it is our 大和魂. It is part of what makes us, the Japanese, as a people, truly unique.

But the Righteous Nation Philosophy does not tell the whole story. It is a big piece of the puzzle, but is not the puzzle itself. The Righteous Nation guides our action on a grand scale, particularly our relationship with the rest of the world. There is a domestic counterpart, and it is one I have spoken of for some time, but never put into words.

On the outside, Japan is the Righteous Nation. On the inside, we are the Harmonious Society.

The Harmonious Society is how we interact with one another, with our Japanese brothers. We come together in the spirit of harmony. Our discourse is harmonious. Our actions are harmonious. Even our conflicts are sparked in the interest of pursuing a greater harmony than we knew before.

– The Harmonious Society is a respectful society.
The first step in harmony is the first step in peace, it is simply not swinging the sword. Respect for one's fellow man, for one's fellow citizen, for life itself, is the foundation of the Harmonious Society. Disagreements and contradictions are unavoidable, and in fact are a necessary part of the pursuit of greater harmony.

– The Harmonious Society is a free society.
Rising out of respect is freedom. A free society grants rights and responsibilities to its citizens, who in turn respect the society and respect one another. Freedom to think, freedom to speak, and freedom to act are all necessary to the pursuit of greater harmony.

– The Harmonious Society is a cultured society.
Poetry, prose, music and art flow from the Harmonious Society like water from a spring, as freedom births beauty. The arts are an expression of our society's strength and unity, of its accomplishments and developments. We share our talents with one another and with the outside world, ever in pursuit of greater harmony.

– The Harmonious Society is an academic society.
Freedom, respect and culture give rise to a society dedicated to advancement. New ideas, new plans, new research and new thought are shared, discussed, worked on and developed. The Harmonious Society becomes as a university, a forum for the creation of new technology and a laboratory for the pioneering of new methods in pursuit of greater harmony.

– The Harmonious Society is a transcendent society.
As the Harmonious Society approaches a singularity of greater harmony, the people of the society embrace the self of body, the self of group and the self of humanity. For the goals of the group are transcendant, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment. The Harmonious Society unites itself into Greatest Harmony. Conflicts are dissolved, anger ceases to exist, all that is left is the harmonious pursuit of transcendance and social perfection.

The Harmonious Society differs somewhat from the Righteous Nation, in that the Righteous Nation is a constant. It is what we are and what we will be. The Harmonious Society, on the other hand, is a path. It is a plan of development from squabbling republic to transcendant unity. Where exactly we are along this path, I cannot say for certain. But I do believe we are doing well, and I believe we will continue to progress.

I am very proud of our nation, as well all should be.

「どんな組織であれ、 内部の調和と団結はその組 織の成敗を決める重要な要 素だ」