The Harbinger

Day 997, 15:28 Published in Canada Canada by Andrew McKenzie Caine


The Harbinger is a paper for you. The paper makes it's first priority the citizens of eCanada. Up to date eNews, Wartime News, Editorials, Political and Philosophical Discussion, Special Articles, Raffles are all a part of what the Harbinger is offering.

Editorials can be submitted to me to be posted. It's your say, so let your voice be heard.

Raffles will take place once a month. The date will be released and advertised well in advance. A special article will be posted on this date. This raffle is open to Canadian Paradox Party members only. Though, because The Harbinger aims to inform and support eCanadians, this raffle will be open to all of eCanada during wartime. In order to qualify for the raffle, all one needs to do is comment on the article. Three prizes, three winners. Prizes consist of:


Political news such as elections and campaigns will be posted here as well. Results and ongoing votes will be monitored closely to keep all eCanadians up to date.

Again, this paper is for you. If you feel like I should offer more, or anything at all, any concerns, please don't hesitate to comment or message me. The Harbinger is a paper of pride and hope for eCanada to reach the top. I look forward to speaking and sharing with you all.

Articles will be posted soon, and the first raffle date will follow soon. Until then,

"I wouldn't trade a million dollars for a single maple leaf."
-Roy Payne

-Andrew McKenzie Caine