The Hangman: Chronicles

Day 1,063, 07:20 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan Armand Sibrand
Prelude: This article is a tribute to my one and only faithful reader. Despite all thoughts that such a person lives only in legends, these days I found out a shocking discovery. The reader exists and it isn't me nor one of my clones. However, I'll keep his/her identity secret, in order to protect his/her public image.

I don't even know if the reader knows any english and thus, can read this, but anyway, you've been guillotined, again.

Eşafodul călăului™©

This is the part when I metaphorically execute either important persons, leaders or both, usually with the help of an unfair jury and trial, but a fair condemnation.
But this time it isn't an ordinary execution you'll assist at.
It's another special moment in which I set for the chop not just a leader. Adding that a person of such humongous magnitude would imply another premiere, I decided this to be my first real english article, assassinating the english language aswell. Two targets at once!

Emperor Bogdan

Bogdan L (the latin name for Bogdan the 50th), hails from the Romanian dinasty of Bogdan.
It was written in the stars (or in charts) that a man will rise in the country under the sign of the cat, whose subscribers number will overtake his country's population. Maybe that because fellow countrymen would vote him with all their orgs too.
Bogdan already surpassed this prediction, the only thing remaining is his subscribers number to overtake the eWorld population, for the prophecy to be fulfilled.
The same old legends said that he will end up by the guillotine.

But before the execution to take place, let's warm up with a review on past Romanian leaderships, just where the list stopped last time:

---> alpho: successor of the sub-surgeon, the only thing we remember from his mandate is the v2 Beta Testing;
---> *Alexandru Ioan Sabo: the prince who unified Moldova and the Romanian Country (again);
---> Victor Petrescu: the one and only, who PTO-ed even his own country;
---> Vlad Sabau a.k.a. The 'Who?': He did nothing.. wrong, but that's a good thing!
Altough that minister of education who didn't know that houses expire and asked about who stole his house was kind'a funny.

Some of them potent leaders with the unluck of a weak mandate or weak leaders with even weaker mandates, what they all have in common is that they are all winners. Unlike Bogdan_L.

And when I say this, let's have a look on some of the men from his team: Fremenul - vMoD (pole-position CP candidate supported by the biggest party in the world, finished up second), brouvi - MoD (won the CP elections at the end of the day, finished up second on the replays), Open_Minded - prime-minister (always candidating as the best man available, always finishing up second).
Not to mention that Bogdan_L himself was a CP candidate in the past, losing the CP race against a default candidate, Alex Craciun, THE default candidate.

But his team of losers doesn't end up here. It continues with the Foreign Affairs, the pin point of any unsuccesful mandate.
Next time, Bogdan, tell your MoFA not to give something that doesn't belong to her.

A ruthless ruller

And I'm not done with the team yet. Coz' another infamous name is Bogdan Armand Sibrand (due to its longevity).
Don't get me wrong, I've had a great time as Minister of *BNR. My only task was to count all the nation's money to make sure no one slips away. In the meanwhile, Roscatul was putting them in bags and Romansul was guarding, just to make sure no one sees us.

And speaking of foreign affairs, Bogdan_L broke the unwritten laws of friendship and goodwill, viciously attacking his neighbours. And here comes up another sensible point of his rullership.

What makes the difference between a good and a bad Coutry President?
The F5 contest!
Just an example: after the lose of SGP to the Serbs, the Hungarians were quicker than him and rapidly launched a RW.
After the RW failed, Bogdan_L lost another round of F5-contest, this time to the croatians.
However, I must remember here the serbian-hungarian strategy of self-drain, which I called the definition of fail. Unfortunately, there isn't any evidence left to present, as it seems RhuaI deleted that shameful article.

Death sentence

For a man who already won the game (multiple times), what can be more of a sentence than becoming a country president and be thrown at the potty mouth of free press. And this isn't the first, nor the last time he is treated like this.
The jury has spoken: Bogdan_L is sentenced to 30 days with a possible suspention in the President's Jail. He will not be granted by any impeach.

He will also provide community work, civilizing tribes of russians or hungarian nomads living in core regions.
The process has already started, as the Romanian troups marched through the empty lands North-East of Romania to reach the Russian vast lands' border.
Thought by many as uninhabited, the explorers have surprisingly found people living in these lands. The natives call themselves Ukrainians and when we saw they don't bite, we even let them work in our high-iron companies.

'Till next time, wipe yourself up from the blood and beware of the hangman's hatchet.

True facts, brought up by false arguments
Quote of the day: 'Bogdan is glory \o/' ChewChewShoe
*1 a refference to Alexandru Ioan Cuza (for non-romanians, google it)
*2 BNR - Romanian National Bank

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