The Guardian (the new CAF newsletter)

Day 1,043, 12:06 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

Issue #1, September 28 2010

It is with great pleasure that I bring the first issue of THE GUARDIAN to you, your new CAF newsletter. It will be an evolving newsletter filled with updates, battle summary's, interviews, a message from Gen. Coda and more. If you have an idea, questions or comments please enter them below or PM one of the PR staff.

Chief PR Officer Lt. Crisfire
Writer/Graphic Designer Cpl. Roger Griswald
Writer Lt-Gen. Chucky Norris
Writer Pvt. AngryCanadian
Writer Cadet George Beeman

Thank you to Colonel Unum for his winning entry in the “pick the name of the new CAF newsletter” poll. A big thank you to Cpl. Roger Griswald for the great graphics used in this newsletter and to Gen. Coda for the awesome recruitment poster

The last month is easily summed up in a simple phrase: Canada at War. At the beginning of September, we were in the midst of a courages volley on the eUK in Europe and an all out offensive against Russia in Asia. We have wrapped up the month with the largest number of battles in a single day since v2 went live, sparked by the China/EDEN attack on Liaoning, a.k.a. LIon King!

With the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) acting as the well-oiled assault machine of our nation, Canadians were able to participate in every EDEN backed mission abroad. The front lines in battles around the globe consistently included CAF members who often finished with damage scores ranking in the top 20 in every attack. In fact throughout the month, Canada consistently placed in the top 15 in terms of Damage dealt per battle, sorted by nation.

Three battles worth highlighting this month include:

~ Day 1,018 (Sept 3): The USA launches an assault on the resource-rich region of Far Easter Russia after loosing the region two days earlier. The battle which drew thousands of soldiers to the battlefield form around the war was so strenuous on the war module that the entire system crashed. Once the module was up and running again the USA and EDEN were able to hold the region, allowing a beachhead for the complete take over of all of Russia’s eastern regions.

~ Day 1,023 (Sept. 😎: Canadians are asked to help the newly elected President of Bosnia and Herzegovina(BiH) to recapture all of the regions they had lost in the underhanded attacks of Serbia and Bulgaria when it looked like BiH would break their PTO of the Country President. While Canada joined EDEN forces in attacks in all four BiH regions, the major focus was on the regions held by Bulgaria. In a major offensive that included thousands of troops form both sides, BiH was successful in capturing both regions they had lost to Bulgaria.

~ Day 1,038 (Sept. 24): China launches an attack most have been excited about for month, striking a blow at Phoenix/Serbia’s last region in Northern Asia; Liaoning. The attack against the Stronghold region saw EDEN forces led by China decimate the regions defenses including 5 hospitals and 3 defense systems capturing 100% of the tiles in the first 2 hours of the battle. In fact in the first half of the battle the total damage surpassed 2,000,000 earning it the top spot in damage of all battles since the launch of v2 before it was halfway over.

The CAF is Canada’a largest fighting force, with over 270 members. While the CAF currently includes about 6% of the Canadian population it dominates Canada’s top fighters list, including over 50% of the top 50 in overall damage.

Ralph Kline -2 -
Goldfinger - 3 -
Philip Delle Palme - 7
Vanquizor - 9
Mr. Hopwood - 10
Xerrec Lazing - 13
Nosyt - 14
Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith - 18
Checky Norris - 19
BelatedDeath - 22
hb741 - 23
Roger Griswald - 24

Matthew Gallaugher - 27
Nagrix - 28
icehawk11 - 31
Alucard Reborn - 33
crisfire - 34
Nea Milosu - 38
Ramizeth - 39
Sideswipe - 42
tomito89 - 43
Artemis Bane - 44
Crock Crosby - 47
Korith - 48

With the introduction of a new war modules to be implemented next week, the future of global battles are unclear, but what is clear is that Canada and the CAF will be where we work best; on the front lines.

-written by Pvt. Roger Griswald

Russia attacking Alaska, USA 418
Canada Attacking Scotland, UK 479
Croatia attacking Slavonia, Serbia 526
BIH attacking Federation of BiH, Bulgaria 536
India Attacking Balochistan, Serbia 540
Canada Attacking Wales, UK 555
Spain attacking Mid-Pyrenese, UK 568
Portugal Attacking Georgia, USA 571
UK attacking Vestlandet, Finland 575
UK attacking Sorlandet, Finland 576
Indonesia Attacking New South Wales, Australia 584
Brazil attacking Santa Cruz, Peru, 592
Romania Attacking NGP, Hungary 595

eCanadian Battle Stats for Liaoning

Region Liaoning
WarID 1854
Battle ID 609
Started at 2010-09-23
Finished at 2010-09-24

Battle Stats (World)
Fighters 6.940
Total Fights 117.720
Total Damage 5.017.946,38

Attackers Sum (World)
Fighters 2.621
Total Damage 2.623.200,78
Total Kills 31.931

Defenders Sum (World)
Fighters 4.319
Total Damage 2.394.745,60
Total Kills 26.929

Battle Stats (Canada)
Fighters 56
Total Fights 698
Total Damage 30.540,36

Attackers Sum (Canada)
Fighters 55
Total Damage 30.534,29
Total Kills 359

Best Fighter (Selected Country)
Name Nosyt
Damage 3.885,45
Fights 89
Kills 54
Deaths 35
Level 25
Rank Field Marshal

-written by Lt-Gen. Chucky Norris

Lt.Crisfire Tell the readers something about yourself

Gen.Danster Well im just a normal High School student in a small farming community I suppose. I enjoy computers and computer games [through i have been playing around with some nintendo emulators i recently found ]. I also enjoy many kinds of music, and i normally can never decide on a favorite genre or song. Most people on here mock me for my shitty dial-up internet, but it has served me well, even though i would appreciate something faster.

I discovered eRepublik back in late february 2009 and started playing ever since. I mainly focused on working and training and kept quiet during the first few months, however i did have a food deal with Dade Pendwyn before i decided to join the CAF. This was about a month or less before the invasion of North America. After being accepted into the Reserves [the Rangers didn't exist yet], i watched as eCanada and the eUS were attacked on many fronts, but i decided to leave for awhile to enjoy a RL vacation.
When i logged on for the first time in a few weeks, eCanada was down to Ontario. I remember looking agape with shock when seeing that. I came back to it a few days later and moved to Florida. I missed the final stand here unfortunately, but i did read an article that moved me so much it got me back into the game, but i unfortunately wouldnt be able to retrieve the article . I then moved back into the Reserves and was eventually promoted into my good old platoon, the 26th Royal Canadian Highlanders [Hi Air Platoon #3 ]. The rest is CAF history.
I would write more about my CAF history, but that would be too long. Tl;dr: Was a private for 4 months, got promoted to corporal, then sergeant of the 26th. In March, i became the PMO, otherwise known as the guy who sorted new guys into the CAF and kicked everyone inactive out. When V2 arrived, i became the Commanding officer of the Infantry Force, and now i'm General of the CAF. Thats basically the jist of it.

Lt.Crisfire In regards to eRepublik where do you see yourself in 5 months?

Gen.Danster If im still around by then, i will still be General of the CAF in January. In February, i must resign my post as Operational Commander to allow another person serve the roll for six months. I don't know what else i would be doing by then though, guess ill see .

Lt.Crisfire As a whole it seems morale is low in eCanada, people are quitting and new eCanadians dont stick around that long, what role can the CAF play in reversing this? and how?

Gen.Danster The CAF can and will continue to provide people with a place to learn about eRepublik and fight with friends in a active IRC community. Fighting in eRepublik is basically the driving force for war, morale, economics, etc. So, why don't you join a force that is always there fighting against Phoenix or defending our allies? If you have found this newsletter, you are on the right track.

Lt.Crisfire There has been talk or suggestions in the media that the CAF and TCO merge or work more closely together, your thoughts?

Gen.Danster I unfortunately haven't seen or heard this talk, so i can't speak exactly about the issue. I do say, it would be interesting. The TCO and the CAF can do a lot of damage in a battle together, from personal experience. Combining the two could make Canada all the more powerful in a battle, but unfortunately i'm not sure if it would work out other wise. [Im reminded by the early Star Trek Voyager episodes when i think about this.

Lt.Crisfire How do you respond to suggestions that the CAF has been in a sense missing in action from the latest battles with the UK?

Gen.Danster I am not going to deny anything about this topic except for the most extreme comments. The CAF and V2 didnt exactly connect at first, and we became a bloated inactive force. This especially was a problem in the eUK conflicts. However, CAF high command had hours long conversations about how to improve the CAF into becoming a more efficient fighting force that was smaller but could pack just as big a punch, most times even bigger.
What we did was remove the inactives, remove forum-based supply and moved to a more IRC based supply system for the Regular Armed Forces. We have also been improving the Rangers into a more educational area for soldiers to learn and thrive before they move onto Regular service. The last project, as you will see, is the new recruitment/PR team made to allow more people into the CAF.
It does sound like just alot of propaganda, but it is really what is going on, and many CAF'ers and non CAF'ers can vouch that this is true.

Lt.Crisfire Do you see yourself running for any political office in the future?

Gen.Danster I have thought about running for congress every month for awhile now. But a Political future will most likely have to wait until February.

Lt.Crisfire What do you tell a Cadet in the Rangers or a Pvt in the Regulars who is looking for a promotion?

Gen.Danster Rule Number One: Remain active. If you are just around, posting on the forums, talking to people on the fourms, it can be a big help. If you can get on IRC, thats even better!

Lt.Crisfire Is there anyone that helped shape you into the eCanadian we see today?

Gen.Danster I think, if it wasn't for Dade Pendwyn who helped me around when i was much younger, i wouldn't be in the game right now at all. He is the one that gave me work, and was very helpful in my eChildhood.

Lt.Crisfire How does the CAF balance fun with responsibility?

Gen.Danster In eRepublik, most of a soldiers fun comes from battles. So, in a eWorld that is basically just two sides fighting each other, most of the CAF's battles are battles that are EDEN backed. So, most of a eRepubliks soldiers fun comes from battles that need to be done.

Lt.Crisfire Wall or Hex? And why?

Gen.Danster The Wall and the Hex both have benefits. The Wall came from a time when the game was more popular, and there were more fun times to be had with alot more people. However, the Hex allowed us to fight strategically and with a smaller amount of people. In the end, i would probably pick the Wall for better times.
However, i would wait until seeing the new Military Module before making a final decision. It sounds like its going to be good!

Thank you for the interview.

-written by Lt. Crisfire

Pvt. AngryCanadian Please state your rank, name, and platoon for the records

Cadet. Coolmanos Cadet Coolmanos, Rangers Platoon 2

Pvt. AngryCanadian What first Brought you to eRepublik?

Cadet. Coolmanos I was looking at a website that advertised MMO type games. eRepublik looked interesting to me so I clicked it, and here I am now.

Pvt. AngryCanadian What is your opinion on the rangers?

Cadet. Coolmanos I think the rangers are great. When I was a newbie I felt accepted and included in the game when I joined. I just wish that our platoons were more active.

Pvt. AngryCanadian Do you have any compliments or complaints about the rangers for the higher ups

Cadet. Coolmanos I have nothing to complain about. I like that we are getting re-structured so we will be better for the future. That's all I can think of at the moment.

Pvt. AngryCanadian What are some of your achievements in eRepublik so far?

Cadet. Coolmanos Really, my only achievement was making it into congress. I will never forget that feeling

Pvt. AngryCanadian sounds great, who has been an inspiration to you?

Cadet. Coolmanos Kronos Q. I have no clue how he can do all of those tasks and not go crazy. I swear he has like 6 jobs going on at once. He is a great part of the canadian society and I wish I could be as important as him one day

Pvt. AngryCanadian What do you plan to do in the future in the caf?

Cadet. Coolmanos I plan to train harder and get a higher roll. Maybe command a platoon or something smaller like that.

-written by Pvt. AngryCanadian

In the CAF, we are left to pretty much guide ourselves (except orders!), unless we have a problem, in which case we would go to the officers for troubleshooting. But, to the newbies of the CAF, try to fix any problem yourselves as much as you can. The officers have enough work already, but are always willing to help out. Also, FOLLOW YOUR ODERS! If not you can be discharged from the CAF. Just shine, and follow your orders and you'll be fine.

-written by Cadet. George Beeman

Unfortunately we lost a few members throughout the transition into V2. One member stuck through it until recently when he decided to quit the game. Eddy Edwards was kind enough to donate to the CAF and SPP his companies so that we can continue to provide soldiers with better equipment, funds, and enjoyment. Thank you Eddy Edwards.

The CAF is gearing up for all the new and exciting features of erepublik. We are all working together to achieve success and continually develop as an army. These new features hold a lot of promise for erepublik and I think these changes will work to the benefit of the CAF soldiers.

The Canadian Armed Forces is currently looking for active eCanadians of all ages to fill our ranks for the V2 battles ahead. You will begin in the Rangers as Cadets and learn from the best, most active and enthusiastic CAF members that we have. You will be trained in IRC use, battlefield mechanics, personal training methods, teamwork, CAF methods and the CAF Code of Conduct.

In the CAF you will be supplied with weapons to fight, moving tickets to get you to the theatre of action and food to heal battle wounds. Rise through the CAF ranks to command a platoon or a division, be your countries next battle hero and make your country proud of you as a member of the CAF.

Some of the qualities the CAF is looking for are

-Basic Understanding of Game Mechanics
-Reliable and Active
-Can work as part of a team
-Enjoys meeting new people and having fun

Some of the qualities that are needed or you will be trained for are

-Experience using the eCan forums (link provided below)
-Experience using IRC
-Basic understanding of Battle Mechanics
-Enjoy's Stategy

But most importantly we are looking for enthusiastic eCanadians ready to fight our countries enemies wherever they are. To apply you will need to sign up on the eCanada forums and request citizenship masking (access) here

Once you have citizen masking on the forums simply apply here