The Guardian - November 2, 2010

Day 1,078, 08:33 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

The Canadian Armed Forces PR Team:
Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Coda
Chief PR Officer Cpl. Roger Griswald
Writer Lt-Gen. Chucky Norris
Writer Cpl. Mansbridge09
Writer Pvt. AngryCanadian
Writer Cadet George Beeman

There has been a lot of battle success for EDEN this past month. Even just in eCanada we have had a lot of success with both major battles, and minor ones. A significant portion of eCanada's total battle damage comes from the CAF. If you take a look at the top ranks for eCanada you will find a lot of the members to be wearing the CAF uniform. The reason for this is because we promote fighting daily.

The new military module has worked out in the favour of the CAF. The new MPP module as well has let our group thrive. Our Rangers, Reserves, and Regulars have been fighting strong this past month. As a high commander of eCanada I can say that these new modules have benefited eCanada very much so.

I would also like to draw attention to our growing ranks. We have foreign troops coming and joining eCanada and we have over 100 active troops. We'd love to see this number continue to grow. By joining the CAF you will be serving your country, gaining much needed experience, and a new perspective on erepublik.

-written by Gen. Coda

Lessons from History: Iran out of Asia-Major

One of the operation I do remember was when we joined the USA in Asia. This particular maneuver occurred in the months of November and December 2009. The goal was pretty simple, weaken the PEACE GC [alliance] by taking as many of their colonies in Asia as possible. Back then there were three big ones: Liaoning controlled by Iranian, Karnatake controlled by Indonesian, and the Fortress of Heilongjiang under the Hungarian Flag. In addition to these, there were several regions that needed a little makeover to get back to their original owners.

To make it easier on the Americans with their direct assault. The CAF was charged to RW an Iranian region with the help of the US Marines corp and a bunch of freedom fighters coming from a few asian nations.

During this particular occasion we had the chance to prove our might during our prime time (eastern standard time). Fortunately while we were at our prime, Iran was sleeping and thus allowing us some pretty good conditions for a swift RW.

I remember the number of CAF soldiers present during the quick strike. One night we had about 80 members active in the chat room awaiting orders. It was a thing of beauty to see all of the soldiers charging the wall as we we're getting near the end of the battle. Yep... It truly was a damn good day to be in the CAF!

In the end, around six regions were returned to India. The whole operation lasted 3-4 days. Iran never truly recovered from those RW and the loss of Liaoning.

Even now Iran is only a shadow of it's former self. Mission accomplished!

-written by Lt-Gen. Chucky Norris

Pvt. AngryCanadianWhat first Brought you to eRepublik?

Ret. Gen. RamizethAbout two years ago several friends I have in an online MMO group I play with suggested this game after I guess seeing some advertisements. So I (and about a dozen online friends) joined up not really knowing anything about it. My friends seemed to tire rather quickly from the game and quit. However I stuck it out and joined the Canadian forums and applied to the CAF. I am a RL Canadian btw.

Pvt. AngryCanadianWhat is your opinion on the current state of the CAF?

Ret. Gen. RamizethAs with this game in general the CAF has seen its highlights and low-lights over the time I served. There are certainly a number of instances that I am very proud of our boys and girls. The new version update sure put a crimp on the whole thing and overall interest by players (not just soldiers) seemed to wane.

Ret. Gen. RamizethI handed the reigns over to Danster two months ago as I figured it was about time to step aside and let someone else take control and push the CAF to new heights. From what I have observed (as I still around to provide help/guidance if asked) he has assembled a strong team to help build our CAF up to a strong and proud force within Canada and the world.

Pvt. AngryCanadianWhat are some of your achievements in eRepublik so far?

Ret. Gen. RamizethI think my biggest achievement was leading the Canadian forces with the liberation of all our Canadian territories during WW3. I rose through the ranks very quickly, from a platoon leader at the beginning of the war to Commander of the CAF by the end. The hours I spent in front of the computer supplying our soldiers and then watching us being part of the winning side on a lot of those battles would make my day.

Pvt. AngryCanadianWhy did you first join the CAF? Are you happy with that decision?

Ret. Gen. RamizethI joined about one month after starting to play the game, back in Feb 2009. I have not looked back since and think it was the best thing for me to do as this was what kept me going so long. If I never joined the CAF I doubt I would have played that much longer.

Pvt. AngryCanadianWhat do you plan to do in the future?

Ret. Gen. RamizethRight now, I am retired. I still train and work and fight the occasional battle. I check in with High Command and watch what Canada is doing as a whole. I am nowhere near as active anymore but I will be around to provide any guidance and sage advice to anyone that would want it from this aged old man.

-written by Pvt. AngryCanadian

I joined the CAF only three months ago, but I immediately knew it was the right place for me. Everyone is so friendly, and always happy to help. I'm currently a Corporal in the 11th Royal Rifles, and have been extremely active in the CAF, both on the battlefield, and off. The CAF is one of the few reasons I still play the game today. Without it, battles and wars would certainly not be as fun.

I've had many great experiences in the CAF, like fighting on the hexagon battlefield in V2 with my platoon members, and fighting with the new war module right now. Joining the CAF gives you the opportunity to help and change your country with the battles you participate in. YOU can help your country to victory!

The CAF has impacted my eLife a lot. Without it, I would of probably quit the game a long time ago. It makes the game a lot more enjoyable and fun. You meet new people, you participate in wars, and you make your eCountry a better place to be in. The CAF is always looking to find new, active, and eager eCanadians to join the CAF. If that sounds like you, what are you waiting for!

There are many benefits to being in the CAF. You can get free weapons, free food, free CAD, you can meet new people, be a part of a team, and you'll have a great time. I joined the CAF three months ago, and absolutely love it! You should come join our family and become part of an organization that actually makes a difference!

If you have any questions or concerns about the CAF, please send me, Cpl. Mansbridge09, a PM, or any other wise, knowledgeable member of the CAF. Otherwise, what are you waiting for; YOU can make a difference! YOU should come join the Canadian Armed Forces today!

-written by Cpl. Mansbridge09

The Canadian Armed Forces is currently looking for active eCanadians of all ages to fill our ranks for the V2 battles ahead. You will begin in the Rangers as Cadets and learn from the best, most active and enthusiastic CAF members that we have. You will be trained in IRC use, battlefield mechanics, personal training methods, teamwork, CAF methods and the CAF Code of Conduct.

In the CAF you will be supplied with weapons to fight, moving tickets to get you to the theatre of action and food to heal battle wounds. Rise through the CAF ranks to command a platoon or a division, be your countries next battle hero and make your country proud of you as a member of the CAF.

Some of the qualities the CAF is looking for are

-Basic Understanding of Game Mechanics
-Reliable and Active
-Can work as part of a team
-Enjoys meeting new people and having fun

Some of the qualities that are needed or you will be trained for are

-Experience using the eCan forums (link provided below)
-Experience using IRC
-Basic understanding of Battle Mechanics
-Enjoy's Strategy

But most importantly we are looking for enthusiastic eCanadians ready to fight our countries enemies wherever they are. To apply you will need to sign up on the eCanada forums and request citizenship masking (access) here

Once you have citizen masking on the forums simply apply here