The Guardian ~ March 16th

Day 1,212, 17:14 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

Public Relations Team
Chief PR Officer 00AngryMobMan00
Writer Major Roger Griswald
Writer Lieutenant AngryCanadian
Writer Lieutenant George Beeman
Writer Corporal Acacia Mason
Writer Private Kelly Mahoney
Writer Cadet Kazuo LeBlanc

General Philip Delle Palme posing for the camera

CAF Soldiers,

Over the last couple of weeks we have seen some major changes to the game. Storage facilities (for one thing) have made fighting easier - at least for the moment - with unlimited storage.

On the other hand there have been headless chickens running around everywhere... and yet, you all continue to do an outstanding job.

We have been deployed several times over the last couple of weeks and everywhere we have gone our damage has been critical! 😃

Nothing makes me happier in this game than seeing CAF avatars racking up damage for the good guys Keep up the good work!

General Philip Delle Palme,
Canadian Armed Forces Operational Commander

Colonel AMM in deep thought behind his desk

Soldiers - what an amazing past few weeks we have had! We have seen the best, and the worst moments. Moments of victory, and moments of defeat. Moments of tension and moments of suspense. We have endured. We have come out stronger than ever. Not only that - but we have shown to not only our nation.. but also to our friend... our allies... and most importantly, our enemies... that we TRULY ARE a force to be reckoned with. We have not only shown ourselves on a NATIONAL level... but also an INTERNATIONAL level!

For starters, we have been (for almost 2 weeks now), seen the same message broadcasted in our IRC channel: "Ask for MTs, we are moving out to help the US". We have been there, alongside our bros, helping them get the vengeance they deserve, against Poland and Indonesia! Not only that - but we have shown our might on HOME SOIL too! Though just a training war, our CAF soldiers have been fighting with STRENGTH, PRIDE, and HONOUR on the Irish battlefields. A true show of might and courage.

Beyond all that, we have also gone through some GREAT changes! This month, we have had to bid our farewells and express our pain, in watching one of the greatest military commanders, leave the CAF. Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to General Danster. But on the bright side, we also welcomed in another keen man into the helm of the CAF. Yes, we welcomed General Philip Delle Palme (with open arms!) as the Operational Commander of the CAF!

You have truly shown your colours, CAF... you have made me proud to say, that I am one, of the many great men and women, that make this fighting force, truly what it is today. Afterall, it is not a personal effort... it's not for personal glory, and it's not for SELF recognition. The CAF is a team effort, where everyone must do there share... CAF, you have, by far, exceeded my expectations of you. Well done!

Colonel AMM,
o7 CAF o7

AngryCanadian getting ready with his camera, to interview MaryChan

Please state your rank and name for the records.
Colonel Mary Chan, Air Branch Executive Officer (High Command), Commanding Officer of 10th Firestorm Squadron

What first Brought you to eRepublik?
Honestly, I don't remember. I think I found it randomly on an ad and just wanted to try it out. But I definitely know that it's the people that's keeping me in the game.

What is your opinion on the current state of the caf?
I think the CAF is in good hands, despite the controversies and every negative thing that's being said. I know what we're doing and I feel we're doing all we can to help eCanada. Even with all the crap that is said, there's no other place I'd rather be, than to be in the CAF. (Ya hear that TCO?!?)

What are some of your achievements in eRepublik?
Hmmm... *looks on her profile page* over the 2+ years I've been playing I have achieve😛 6 HW medals and 7 SS medals and nothing else. Funny enough, I just started my own paper just today. Sub now and I'll get something up. Another surprising thing is I've got no BHs. So if you want to donate to the "Mary Chan BH fund" here's my link: - Within the CAF I have risen in the ranks from lowly Private to Lieutenant (Platoon Commander) of the 10th Royal Canadian Hussars. And after the migrations from V2 I continued to be Lt. of the 10th. Right now I hold the positions as stated from the beginning of the interview

What first brought you to the caf?
I think it has to be the free stuff that brought me in. But now, it will be the people. I love all of you guys. (Except for Josh Carter, he's not worthy of my love.) 😃

What are your plans for the future?
Plans... hmm... I have plans on what not to do. lol xD Like: 1. Join congress and 2. Join TCO (Sorry guys, still not happening). But what I plan to do is continue to be and serve in the CAF, write a couple articles, get a BH 😁

Do you have any advice for new recruits?
Be active and be proactive! Ask for help, get on IRC. If you want, feel free to PM me

Do you have any funfacts you wish to share?
I've got a bunch. I've been in the same platoon ever since I've been in the CAF. If I could, I will live and die in the 10th. Hussar forever!! (Even though it's now renamed to the 10th Firestorm Squadron). My eBirthday is a day after Chucky Norris' eBirthday and a day before Ramizeth's. My platoon member yonsil has the EXACT same eBirthday as I do. Falling moon and I have been in the 10th and the CAF just as long as I have. Well, take a couple weeks or a month... and I'm currently on Skype with a few CAF HC members ;P

Feel free to give any shoutouts if you want!
Shout out to Raw784 and Jsboutin, cuz I'm on Skype with them right now. Shout out to TCO, cuz I'm not joining you guys, geez you guys are so jealous of the CAF. Shout out to the CAF Femmes Fatales: Coda, Artemis Bane, Kelly Mahoney and Zina80!! Shout out to my eFamily, Chucky Norris, my eBro. Raw784 my eUncle. Cozza my weird distant eCousin who is some how related, idk how. Artemis Bane, my eSis. Shout out to the 10th! All current and former members 🙂...and I'm done!

Kelly Mahoney saluting the troops!

I honestly don’t remember why I joined the CAF for the first time – I’ve been in and out, and back in again, a number of times during my two and a quarter years in eCanada. I’ve been in the Reserves, the Rangers and the Regulars. I’ve been an “artillery piece” and a “helilopter.” Now I’m just another “private.” I’ve never been a “game changer” as an individual within the military module. I probably never will be – I simply can’t afford it.

This is why I re-joined the CAF, about three months ago now. If I can’t be a major contributor by myself, then I can contribute as a part of a group. If my damage can’t make a significant impact on a battlefield, then I can watch and root for other members of my team, and play at the same time as they in a timed strike. All together, we do make a difference, and we can also have some fun. The shared excitement watching and participating in the end of a battle and the “real-time” commentary on the action through the IRC channel, that’s the most important part of membership in the CAF to me.

If you’re a new member wanting to become more involved – I strongly recommend making the effort to learn how to log into the CAF IRC channel. Not only is this important in order to access supplies for use in the game, it will also greatly enhance your appreciation of the community that has grown up around this game. If you need help, you can message me, and I’ll try to guide you through the steps. It’s very simple, and can be quite rewarding!

If you do have any questions, PM me (Kelly Mahoney), here: HERE 🙂

George Beeman attempting to teach concepts to our NEW RECRUITS!

There may be some of you newer players out there contemplating whether to join CAF. The CAF comes with some very, well, exciting perks.

-Strength training (FREE 50% booster)
-A massive increase in in-game rank
-Great social hierarchy
-Extended knowledge of in-game mechanics
-Knowledge of IRC
-Gets you known
-And makes you seem like less of a noob

Free Supplies:
In the CAF, supplies are given out when there is a battle going on. In the Rangers, the training for CAF, you will get 25 CAD to fight with. Once you reach Regulars, you get 40 CAD/battle, and if you did your SPP rotation (SPP- Support a Platoon Program, you work there for 1 week depending on your division at minimum wage, to help pay for supplies) you will be paid your 0.19 gold to use the Training Booster. All this helps you to rank up, and hit harder, and become more important.

Social Hierarchy:
When you join CAF, you enter a world of organization. The way it works is: You (when you start)
In-game mechanics:
When you join, you will be placed in the Rangers, which are led by Kronos Q. The Rangers will also teach you how to use IRC and the forums. The In-game mechanics will be learned on IRC, when you communicate with the older players, they will be happy to give you info.

Gets you known:
Once you join, you are given a border to put around your avatar (if you don’t know how, several people would be glad to help you). This helps people recognize you as an active member of the community. The CAF will help you come election time, because you will have built up trust among CAF members.

Makes you seem like less of a noob:
Well, chances are, if you join CAF, you aren’t that young, cause you think you are ready to become a mega-tank.


If so.. check the following links! Once comfortable with how the CAF works, you can then apply to the CAF, by simply clicking on the button marked "JOIN THE ARMED FORCES" 🙂

Until next time, this is Colonel AMM, signing off for the CAF Publis Relations department.

Fight hard, fight CAF.

Colonel AngryMobMan,
Chief Public Relations Officer