The Guardian - February 9, 2011 ~ PMTF and the CAF

Day 1,177, 18:34 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

The Canadian Armed Forces PR Team:
Chief PR Officer Cpt. Roger Griswald
Writer Gen. Coda
Writer Lt-Gen. Chucky Norris
Writer Lt. Mansbridge09
Writer Col. 00AngryMobMan00
Writer Sgt. AngryCanadian
Writer Sgt. George Beeman

This edition of the Guardian aims to shed light on the newest edition to our ranks: the PMFT. The polish EDEN super-troopers came to eCanada about a month ago to continue to aid their allies around the world. After having of opportunity to settle into eCanada, the CAF want to not only orient them further into our structures and society, but provide a bit of an orientation to eCanadians on who these great fighters are. Below are two articles; the first article is an introduction to the PMFT via an interview Chucky Norris did with a prominent member; and the second, by George Beeman, introducing the PMFT team to the CAF who’s who and structure.

We are stronger united.

-an interview with PMFT notable Koozkie

Hi there Koozkie, can you tell us about yourself, Who are you in RL?

-koozkie>I'm 19 years old student, currently occupied by some exams 😉

Now let’s get back to erep stuff, Who are you in the game? What position do you currently have?

-Currently I'm soldier in one of CAFs infantry platoons, former vMoFA of Peru and one person from HQ of PMTF

Can you talk me a bit about PMTF?

-Well, PMTF is short form of Polish Multi-Task Force, we were founded by Kasperski and Stanleysts at 1st April 2009. Group was inactive for couple of months after v2 was introduced.  We fight to win!

Why did you come to Canada (PMTF)?

-Mainly we were repulsed by style of foreign policy of ePoland and we heard that Cannada is pretty awesome place to settle.

How did PMTF come to choose Canada as it’s new home?

-Well, we were looking for a place to settle down for a while, last time when we did it we stayed in ePeru for couple of months. My friend Nagrix recommended eCanada as a great place so we decided to try it out, and he was "pretty" right. 🙂

Have you found that the transition is hard to switch countries for an entire unit? How are they comping with the language barrier?

-Yeah, it's hard thing to do, not because of barrier language, most of us learned english for at least couple of years. It's a big logistic effort for us and for CAF. Still the entire unit hasn’t switched countries, though most of that has to do with the voluntary nature of decision, we didn't force anyone to come to eCanada, nor do we force people to stay once they arrive.

When you first arrived, only a few days later you found out that Canada had been robbed by one of it’s president, how do you feel about this, or more so, was there some desperation within your ranks?

-We all think that was terrible event but we had no doubts about our decision.

Did you get the impression that eCanada is politically volatile; with a lot of infighting, or is it something you saw in Poland as well?

-Things in eCanada are quite calm compared to constant flame in ePL, many of us are tired of this. In Poland after such a robbery there would at least ~4 pages of comments where people would blame everyone else and probably would just forget about what they are writing as it usually happens.

Do you appreciate being in the CAF, and if yes, why?

-Personally yes, there are many great guys on IRC channel and we were welcomed really warm, everyone tried to help. One of best reception ever. 🙂

Is there something you think the CAF should focus on more right now?

-yes, your forum is a bit messy. 🙂 , And you should do something about automated updating of rooster: changes in influence, strength etc.

What is the Best about Canada?

-I think that best are canadian lakes, they are simply beautiful.

What is the worst about Canada?

-That we're freezing out here. 🙂

Any plan for the future in this nation?

-I think that I'm going to stay here for at least few months. Nobody knows what future will bring.

Do you like Maple syrup?

-Yeah, with french pancakes. 🙂

And finally is there something you would like to say to eCanadians?

-I'm really glad that I can be here. I hope that cooperation will be at least fine if not great.

-written by Chucky Norris

This article is directed to the new Polish soldiers, who I am told, came here, to Canada, to join the CAF and continue fighting for EDEN. Dear Polish friends, I present to you a who’s who of the CAF to help you on your way to victory with us.

Danster9987: Highest ranking person in the CAF, he is the Operational Commander and can be seen on IRC from time to time. (He is often idling in the CAF channel; probably in High Command channel). He is usually seen between 18:00 and 5:00 ET.

Coda: General of the CAF, she runs the SPP companies and makes most of our special images-she’s the one who made the Guardian Bullet, and is also known as ‘General (insert non-serious-name-here). Ex: General Chubby Cheekz (I got this one off Termz a while back). She runs the Tank Division of the CAF, and my platoon is named after her; The 1st Coda’s Black Knights. So obviously, she holds a certain amount of influence. She is our heaviest tank.

Philip Delle Palme- Executive Officer of the CAF (Lieutenant General): Often online and chatting, Philip Delle Palme is also known as PDP on IRC. He is a Supply Officer, and is always nice and helpful . He is the person I got most of the info here from, if not all. He is VERY active, ranked #4 in lines on IRC.

Brig. Gen: Raw784, SilencerII, Jsboutin and Artemis Bane
Air Force, Artillery, Infantry and Rangers (respectively)

Brigadier Generals: Each one runs a part of the CAF.

Raw784: He runs the Air Force division, and is a multiple time MoD and is on IRC fairly frequently.

SilencerII: Runs the Artillery division, sometimes on IRC, and has a FREAKING COOL AVATAR!

Jsboutin: A bilingual SO, former MoD under TemujinBC (he is my favourite MoD that I have lived through, as he really put out DAILY battle orders) and a strict person, although there is the occasional random lapse in strictness, he is the Commander of the Infantry Division.

Artemis Bane: Leads the Rangers, our training division. She is a hard hitter, like all HC, and is on a lot.

Nea Milosu: I have added him as he is your CO, he is a former CP and an all around nice guy, he is Romanian.

We have 13 Platoons in all (14 if we count your Polish Strength Platoon); 3 Infantry, 3 Artillery, 3 Tank, 4 Air Force, and 1 Polish Strength Platoon!

The Mobiles: They are the backbone of the CAF, and they are the ones who move around the world for missions worldwide, to help EDEN and her members.

The Reserves: This is for those who cannot be in the Mobile division because they want to be in the political spectrum. They fight in the battles from home.

The Rangers: This is the training branch, most people stay here for their first 3 weeks or so, and then move on up. It is used to explain the principles of IRC and Roll Calls, etc.

So, Canada, on behalf of the CAF, I ask you to give you a warm Canadian Welcome to:
-Private Spyder222
-Private Feyron
-Private g0ru
-Private Niuz
-Private Siewier
-Private goliadx
-Private Marheri
-Private Grander88


-written bySgt. George Beeman

The Canadian Armed Forces is currently looking for active eCanadians of all ages to fill our ranks. You will begin in the Rangers as Cadets and learn from the best, most active and enthusiastic CAF members that we have. You will be trained in IRC use, battlefield mechanics, personal training methods, teamwork, CAF methods and the CAF Code of Conduct.

In the CAF you will be supplied with weapons to fight, moving tickets to get you to the theatre of action and food to heal battle wounds. Rise through the CAF ranks to command a platoon or a division, be your countries next battle hero and make your country proud of you as a member of the CAF.

Some of the qualities the CAF is looking for are

-Basic Understanding of Game Mechanics
-Reliable and Active
-Can work as part of a team
-Enjoys meeting new people and having fun

Some of the qualities that are needed or you will be trained for are

-Experience using the eCan forums (link provided below)
-Experience using IRC
-Basic understanding of Battle Mechanics
-Enjoy's Strategy

But most importantly we are looking for enthusiastic eCanadians ready to fight our countries enemies wherever they are. To apply you will need to sign up on the eCanada forums and request citizenship masking (access) here

Once you have citizen masking on the forums simply apply here