The Guardian - December 4, 2010

Day 1,110, 11:05 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

The Canadian Armed Forces PR Team:
Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Coda
Chief PR Officer Sgt. Roger Griswald
Writer Lt-Gen. Chucky Norris
Writer Lt. Mansbridge09
Writer Sgt. AngryCanadian
Writer Pvt. George Beeman

Over the last month, eCanada has seen some serious action and as is always the case, the Canadian Armed Forces was leading the charge. While most of early November was spent aiding our EDEN allies as eSpain fought to hold off an eBrazilian and eFrench attack, then saw the tables turn with ePoland, eSweden and eItaly decimating eGermany.

The EDEN assault on eGermany saw the eUK trade regions with eNetherlands to provide direct aid to eGermany against eSweden. This provided eCanada with all of the reason to once again ramp up our assault against the Red Coats, with eCanada working with eIreland and the eUSA to push the British all the way back to their “fortress” London.

Towards the end of November the conflicts in Europe petered out and Phoenix began to plan for an invasion of North America. This has finally come to a head with eFrance launching an attack on the eCanadian Atlantic provinces of Nova Scotia (which eFrance secured yesterday) New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and our Capital region of Prince Edward Island.

Now is the time to join your national army, the Canadian Armed Forces are recruiting. Its time to unite and pushed the eFrench hordes back to Paris.

Pvt. AngryCanadian: Please state your rank and name for the records.
Brig. General Raw784: I'm Brigadier-General Raw784

Pvt. AngryCanadian: What first Brought you to eRepublik?

Brig. General Raw784: Well, I do not realy remember exactly why and how come I founds this game, but it was by clicking to find a new chalenge; I was playing swat4, I was bored after 1 year, and I decided to find a game where i could learn english.

Pvt. AngryCanadian: What is your opinion on the current state of the caf?

Brig. General Raw784: The Canadian Armed Forces is definitively the best tool for the eCanadian goverment. It is pretty well organized, with a strong control of theirs expanditures, open to all HC members, but mainly on my responsibility.
We have many goals: Preparing a strong army to be ready against an posible invasion of our country, or to fight as requested by our goverment, take care of ours new recruits to have them ready to fight beside the eCanada and finally, provide tools to the soldiers to be stronger, day after day.
The national army is at the service of the eCanadian goverment. I can tell that the CAF is a responsible organisation.

Pvt. AngryCanadian: What are some of your achievements in eRepublik?

Brig. General Raw784: Well, since politic is not attractive for me, I have only do few little things for the military part.
It took me several months to take my place in the CAF. I took the time to learn the mechanism of the CAF, and spend time to help my lieutenant of the 5th platoon. Few months later, I was promoted as Lieutenant of this platoon.
Since my main language is french, I got the opportunity to lead the 42th platoon.
After, I was commander for the EMC (Eden Marines Corp) for the eCanada and the OSS (Office of the Security Services) director.
Curently, I am Minister of Defense for a second mandate. In the CAF, I'm Commander in charge of the Air division with 3 actives platoons, and Supply Commander, responsible of the supply allowed each day to each soldiers.

Pvt. AngryCanadian: What first brought you to the caf?

Brig. General Raw784: The military aspect was and still is attractive for me. I do remember a recruting article saying something like "what can you do for your country? If you dont know, join the CAF and you will know it!"

Pvt. AngryCanadian: What are your plans for the future?

Brig. General Raw784: I'm here to serve the eCanada, but only for the military aspect. I beleive at a strong and proud eCanada. Looks maybe ridiculous for some, a dream for few, a boring way for others: a serious possibility for me.

Pvt. AngryCanadian: Do you have any advice for new recruits?

Brig. General Raw784: Depending what you are looking for, rooms are available for active and dedicated soldiers and officiers in the national army. Patience is the first word to learn when you join the CAF; step by step, you will get what you wish. Show at the HC and at the CO you are trustable and you are constant.

Pvt. AngryCanadian: One last question, Where does your name originate from?

Brig. General Raw784: Raw784 is a name I used since many, many years; I played coop game swat3 the first time I used it. Raw is for the type of english I can write 😛

Pvt. AngryCanadian: Feel free to give any shout-outs if you want.

Brig. General Raw784: I would like to conclude that nothing is impossible when you beleive it, or you want it. We have a nice country with many productive regions, a pretty good qty of citizens, and many serious political candidates to have this country be one of the best country . We just have to reduce troling a little and try to work together.

The Canadian Armed Forces is currently looking for active eCanadians of all ages to fill our ranks to stop the Phoenix nuisance. You will begin in the Rangers as Cadets and learn from the best, most active and enthusiastic CAF members that we have. You will be trained in IRC use, battlefield mechanics, personal training methods, teamwork, CAF methods and the CAF Code of Conduct.

In the CAF you will be supplied with weapons to fight, moving tickets to get you to the theatre of action and food to heal battle wounds. Rise through the CAF ranks to command a platoon or a division, be your countries next battle hero and make your country proud of you as a member of the CAF.

Some of the qualities the CAF is looking for are

-Basic Understanding of Game Mechanics
-Reliable and Active
-Can work as part of a team
-Enjoys meeting new people and having fun

Some of the qualities that are needed or you will be trained for are

-Experience using the eCan forums (link provided below)
-Experience using IRC
-Basic understanding of Battle Mechanics
-Enjoy's Strategy

But most importantly we are looking for enthusiastic eCanadians ready to fight our countries enemies wherever they are. To apply you will need to sign up on the eCanada forums and request citizenship masking (access) here

Once you have citizen masking on the forums simply apply here