The Greatest have the most authority.

Day 788, 07:56 Published in USA USA by Rhane

Hello America and fellow members of the Emerick Search Party. I have a few issues to address today on the subject of Emerick.

The first, obviously, will be a response to a recent article by former president Josh Frost. If you live in a hole like me, the former president Josh Frost wrote an article recently. It was about Emerick. He claims that searching for Emerick is useless because he either hates us and never wants to come back, or that is simply preoccupied. And let's face it, a bunch of fat, lazy office workers and lawyers are too fat to walk all the way to Texas and too lazy to get out of their chairs. Or is it the other way around? Either way, Emerick is just as elusive as a Congress seat for the Conservative Party. We'd spend too much time searching for him, when I think I know what Emerick would want us to do.

Emerick would want us to take greatness in our own hands. What has he really tought us if we couldn't take care of ourselves without him? Perhaps his departure is a test. We will never forget Emerick, on the contrary, his memory should fill us with Greatness of our own. We should all follow his actions and be Great, so that if he ever returns he will be proud of us. And then we will all cry manly tears of joy ;_;

This brings out a new purpose of the Search Party. I will probably be renaming the party soon, something along that lines of Emerick and Greatness and stuff. I will have a platform ready and a new direction- to bring Emerickean Greatness to everyone. Whether it be to Government, the people, or even to the entire world, this party's purpose now is to promote Greatness. If Emerick returns, we will celebrate, and this party will be his. He can rule us from it if he so wishes, he can disband us, or he can use it to simply worship him, and I will always be content with his decision.

America, I ask you now to join us in our quest for Greatness. If we cannot have Emerick among us, we must have Emerick within us. Remember that the Greatest have the most authority.