The Greatest eRepublicans I know.

Day 1,848, 01:53 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper
Hello all,
I thought I would make this article which I have been planning for a while now. I want to pick out those players who I have met, befriended and admired.

I will start off with the eUK first.

1. Irv Noyb

Irv has been a great friend of mine for a very long time. From being my captain in Liberty, he has risen to 2nd, then overall commander of the MU. I have the greatest respect for him and he is one of the most down to earth guys I know. He always puts others before himself and always speaks his mind. Together we have rebuilt Liberty to its former greatness. It has not been an easy journey but together we have risen against the impossible.

2. eLiam

eLiam has always been an idol to me, he has a down to earth, realistic personality and is one of the most helpful people I know. He has done a huge amount in all the countries he has been a citizen of, and his achievements prove that statement tenfold.

3. Max Blue

The founder of Liberty, Max was a great guy, there is not any other way of describing him. He helped me into this game and taught me so much. He was widely respected and his friendly, approachable personality paved his way to success.

4. Thedark Ace

Thedark is a very nice, helpful guy. His party, the UKRP is also one of the nicest communities in the eUK. Others such as Jamie2721, John Rupert Miranda and Appleby are also great people in the party who supported myself and the eUK with pride.

5. Dr Hugh Jardon

Dr Hugh Jardon, I have always respected. He is a very friendly guy and has a good head. I first met him in Liberty while Max was commander and they were good days indeed. Since leaving the MU he has always voted posts, articles and given his full support to the reconstruction of Liberty.

There are more of course, but I would be here all day.

A quick note on those I think will be upcoming stars:
CptChazBeard - Chaz has impressed me from day 1, his newspaper and understanding of the game from such an early stage is very admirable. He is a nice guy and will go a long way.
imPurified - If this welshman decides to be more active and put aside his sheep, he will go a long way *winks* He is a very friendly guy and will surely end up in high places.
Malario - As soon as he feels confident to take on a captaincy role, I am certain things can only go uphill from there. A genuine, friendly guy who is an active, solid member.
Oliver Dietz - The sexiest fat man on earth, No.1 troll.
(again there are more but I will be here all day)


I have not been in eCanada long, but from what I have seen so far there are several people who stand out in being great eRepublicans.

1. Oinyo

Oinyo has helped me out a lot since I arrived, and after a lengthy IRC conversation with him I can safely say he is a great guy. He has helped me understand this new country and made me feel very welcome.

2. Sabzii, Foxfire, Gh0st3rr, Zianni Vaatez + others in Clan Wolf

These guys have all made me feel welcome, the clan has a very positive friendly atmosphere and everyone is super friendly with great personalities! 🙂

3. Exalted Druid

I have worked for Druid longer than I can remember. Although we have not had lengthy conversation, he seems a genuine, nice guy with a sense of humour. He is approachable, friendly and a hero of eCanada.

Thanks for reading, I thought I would make this article to show my appreciation to those who have made my eExperience that little bit brighter 🙂

- Pat