The government, the military, and you.

Day 1,330, 07:56 Published in Australia Australia by Hinokai

So tonight, as many may know, a clash over political control and intervention into the ADF, our military, occurred, initially sparked by the banning of some loser (Timeoin) from the ADF by intervention of current CP, DocterDry.

Now, many people may not remember a time, but back when we had an active senate, they used to try to get all up in the military's business, wanting to legislate innumerable aspects of the military so they could control whatever they wanted.
As one would assume, the military did not like this. The military prided itself on being separate from politics, it was controlled by it's military marshals, and only by it's military marshals. The Minister of Defence would control funding from the government, and the ADF would in turn organize and fight as per orders of the government. A reciprocal relationship if there ever was one.

As time passed, aspects of the military changed, but one thing never did - the CP and the other members of cabinet never directly intervened in the military's business. The government and the military were two separate beasts, coexisting together with next to no issues between them.

Until, of course, now. DocterDry (who I shall from now on refer to as Discrate1) decided that he did not like Timeoin being in the ADF, as he considered him a threat to the nation, and bypassed the chain of command in order to ban him from ADF.
This was promptly reversed by ADF Marshal Hodds, yet Discrate1 persisted, claiming that he was apparently chief of everything, citing the constitution.
Now, another hop back in time, the constitution was passed into senate among a fecal tornado of various revocations and act implementations, essentially a loaded act, requiring a regular senate vote to be passed but a referendum to change or the like. So apparently, the country is meant to follow this constitution, despite never agreeing to it.

Anyway, as expected, military members have rushed from the wood work in order to defend the ADF's actions in reversing CP Discrate's decision, with threats coming from the government to withdraw funding and that people will regret the 'coup' that is occurring, essentially childish cries from those who didn't get their way.

binda33, apparently also an enemy of the country, has taken a constitutional change to senate, in order to subvert the issue, an action which I personally think is unnecessary (the constitution was as I said, never passed by ADF and so it doesn't apply to it), but in response Discrate and fellow government members have rushed into action claiming that the CP has always controlled and intervened in the military, and that simply is not true, as covered before.

All this is is an attempt by the Discrate government to traipse into the military and do what they want, and that simply will not fly. Threats to cut off funding or remove people simply shows the disregard that the government has for it's soldiers, and it's unacceptable.

I would suggest the government do what has traditionally been done - contact the ADF Marshal or Minister of Defence, and communicate requests. Work down the chain of command rather than bypass and step into places it shouldn't - all it does is cause large and unnecessary backlash.