The good the bad and the ugly - Brazil look to invade us again

Day 1,110, 15:03 Published in South Africa South Africa by Brett Klopper

My fellow eSouth Africans and the eHungarian scum!
Today i bring you good news but also VERY BAD NEWS!

As i wondering through the new world I discovered an interesting article claiming that the Americans had signed an MPP with Brazil!

I was so excited! thoughts were racing through my head!
Is Brazil leaving PHX?
Are they Joining EDEN or BROS?
Are we going to have a close ally?

I couldn't believe it, South Africa's future was looking bright!

BUT then i came across an interview by Origineel.NL

In the interview Origineel.NL had with the Brazilian President, the Brazil CP told him the MPP is purely a sign of friendship between the two countries. This means the Brazil( a Phoenix member) and the USA ( a Broalliance/Eden members) are now allied to each other, but not that Brazil has any plans of joining the Broalliance or EDEN.
In the same interview the Brazilian president unveiled Brazils plans of attacking South Africa. He told him they are planning on attacking South Africa because they need the Raw materials of South Africa. (Cattle, Aluminum and Saltpepper)

And as quickly as my hopes had risen they had crashed!

Here is the Interview
Unfortunately the BAD news doesn't stop thier!
Our closest allies eAustrailia are also in seious trouble, three days ago Indonesia declared war on Australia and by now have managed to conquer four regions leaving Australia with only two.
I fear it wont be long until eAustrailia kick the bucket again.

My friends the battle is not yet here though so we shall cross that bridge when we get to it. . .
Right now we must pull our selves towards our selves and focus on the Presidential elections.

I urge you all to free our great country by voting for fhaemita malodorous.

We need to stand together if we want to be rid of these hungarians!
We need to stand together if we want to be rid of the multies!!!
We need to stan together if we want to be FREE! ! !