The Gentlemen's agreament on Northern Ireland

Day 873, 08:19 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

It is a wonder that in spite of this big magnitude of stupidience that Irishmen pushed forward when they turned down any possibility of peaceful integration with their neighbors and instead brought upon themselves this great destructive financial burden of serfdom and allowing themselves to be ordered around thus giving up on their free will, that in spite of this, there is still people willing to negotiate on their behalf.

We realize that this answer regarding your ultimatum on Northern Ireland may be a little late, but it had to be so, because general secretary of our state cabinet was pretty busy lately and wouldn't be bothered about small potato. However, we took your suggestions seriously, as this is the question that's been bothering our fair neighbor for such a long time now, that ever since your country has been taken over by western mindset and beget its trolliance mission all over the place to such extent that it has become unbearable, including your territorial pretensions on our kingdoms' soil, that British government simply decided, that it would be best if Great Britain handed over the territory of Northern Ireland to Ireland for a certain period of time.

This is to be done so in the form of a land lease, on the condition that you and your Trolliance friends provide one good hospital for the people overthere to use, plus 20 gold for special envoy Jockson to cover for the expenses of reaching national consensus on this question.

Any further negotiations on details of handing over Northern Ireland can be proceeded anytime you wish and can be coordinated through British special envoy if you like. Since the contracts among countries are no longer valid form of dealings, the deal is to be done as a gentleman's agreement between both governments.

Stephen Fry
his majesty King of the United Kingdom">